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IMPORTANT NOTE: We have maintained the originally published taxonomic designation for each specimen despite the fact that many of these specimens have been reclassified since.  We chose to follow this protocol because of the difficulty in keeping up to date with all of the taxonomic groups, and our hesitancy to make a judgement call on taxonomic debates.  As such, please search the database with this in mind, perhaps using higher level taxonomic classifications for your query.

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410 specimens found
Image Spec # CODI Database ID Arch. Locality Geo. Locality Elements Preserved Excavation Date Repository Bed Level Stratigraphic Horizon Bibliographic Information Curatorial Notes ID By ID Date Research Team In Situ Sediment or Matrix Adhering Class Order Suborder Infraorder Superfamily Family Subfamily Tribe Genus Species Subspecies Taxonomic Notes Taxonomic Problems
OLD 1963/105 DK I 8088 24 - DK L-MAX-f, M 122 - National Museum and House of Culture, Dar es Salaam, Tanzania I L/Z strip -- Fragment of left maxilla with second molar. Specimen may be same individual as KNM 2.27. 2012/07/26 264 - Leakey family expedition Unknown Mammalia Primates Anthropoidea Haplorhini Cercopithecoidea Cercopithecidae No
OLD 63/3101 DK I 8090 24 - DK MAX-f 122 - National Museum and House of Culture, Dar es Salaam, Tanzania I Strip II L/Z -- Maxilla fragment with P3-4, probably same individual as 2.31, 2.27. Also same individual as 3000? 8283. 2012/07/26 264 - Leakey family expedition Unknown Mammalia Primates Anthropoidea Haplorhini Cercopithecoidea Cercopithecidae No
OLD/1957/1092 BK II 8162 10 - BK R-MAX-f, M 122 - National Museum and House of Culture, Dar es Salaam, Tanzania II -- Fragment. Right maxilla with upper second molar and (1092) upper third molar. Card in bag states "These teeth seem to be associated". In BM loan collection. Specimen together with OLD/1957/1091 BK II. 2012/07/31 264 - Leakey family expedition Unknown Mammalia Primates Anthropoidea Haplorhini Cercopithecoidea No
OLD/1957/1091 BK II 8163 10 - BK R-MAX-f, M 122 - National Museum and House of Culture, Dar es Salaam, Tanzania II -- Fragment. Right maxilla with upper second molar and (1091) upper third molar. Specimen together with OLD/1957/1092 BK II. In BM loan collection. 2012/07/31 264 - Leakey family expedition Unknown Mammalia Primates Anthropoidea Haplorhini Cercopithecoidea No
OLD 1962 067/5608 MCK II Simo. Lt.Max 8167 80 - MCK L-MAX, P-f, M 122 - National Museum and House of Culture, Dar es Salaam, Tanzania II -- Left maxilla with fourth premolar (roots) and first molar to third molar. 2012/07/31 264 - Leakey family expedition Unknown Mammalia Primates Anthropoidea Haplorhini Cercopithecoidea Cercopithecidae Cynocephalinae Simopithecus No
OLD/69/5193 DK I KNM 23? 8191 24 - DK MAX-f, P, M 122 - National Museum and House of Culture, Dar es Salaam, Tanzania I -- Maxillary fragment in matrix or concretion with complete premolar and molar and root (of premolar?). Card in bag with specimen states "OLDUVAI, OLD 69 S193 DK I. Erupting P4, broken MI and erupting M2 in Matrix. Cercopithecoidea Papio sp". 2012/08/01 264 - Leakey family expedition Unknown Mammalia Primates Anthropoidea Haplorhini Cercopithecoidea No
OLD 1957/622 SHK II 8208 19 - SHK L-MAX-f, P, M 122 - National Museum and House of Culture, Dar es Salaam, Tanzania II -- Fragment of left maxilla with third and forth premolar and first molar. In BM loan collection. Card in bag with specimen states "Canine socket suggests male". 2012/08/03 264 - Leakey family expedition Unknown Mammalia Primates Anthropoidea Haplorhini Cercopithecoidea No
KNM 2?7 8220 M, MAX-f 122 - National Museum and House of Culture, Dar es Salaam, Tanzania -- Unerupted molar and maxillary fragment with matrix. Pleistocene. Card in bag with specimen states "LOC: Olduvai, Field No: ?". 2012/08/03 264 - Leakey family expedition Unknown Mammalia Primates Anthropoidea Haplorhini Cercopithecoidea No
FLK NNI 1011 8257 6 - FLK NN MAX, MAN, CRA-f, R/L-M, TOOTH-f, UK-f 122 - National Museum and House of Culture, Dar es Salaam, Tanzania I -- Packed in National Museum in Nairobi, Kenya in box 188 or 189 labeled "Cercopithecidae" for transport to National Museum of History, Dar es Salaam, Tanzania. Maxilla, mandible, cranium fragment, right second and third molar, left third molar, tooth fragment and unknown fragment. Other card in bag states "FLK NNI 1011 + another individual there? M3 etc ED `81". 2012/08/09 264 - Leakey family expedition Unknown Mammalia Primates Anthropoidea Haplorhini Cercopithecoidea No
OLDUVAI 1962 MLK IV Right Max Monkey 8263 34 - MLK R-MAX, P, M 122 - National Museum and House of Culture, Dar es Salaam, Tanzania IV -- Right maxilla with third premolar, and first and second molars. Card in bag with specimen states "Original type cabinet A". Cercopithecoides kimeni cranial vault+left and right maxilla". Specimen found in bag with specimen Olduvai. 1962 MLK IV left maxilla of monkey probably from the same individual. 2012/08/09 264 - Leakey family expedition Unknown Mammalia Primates Anthropoidea Haplorhini Cercopithecoidea No
OLDUVAI 1962 MLK IV Left Maxilla Monkey 8264 34 - MLK L-MAX, M 122 - National Museum and House of Culture, Dar es Salaam, Tanzania IV -- Left maxilla with first and second molar. Card in bag with specimen states "Original type cabinet A. Cercopithecoides kimeni cranial vault+left and right maxilla". Specimen found in bag with specimen OLDUVAI/1962 MLK IV Right, probably from the same individual. 2012/08/09 264 - Leakey family expedition Unknown Mammalia Primates Anthropoidea Haplorhini Cercopithecoidea No
OVPP-737 10110 L-MAX-f, L-P, L-M 126 - Mary Leakey Camp, Antiquities Station Olduvai Gorge, Tanzania I Lower Eroded onto lag just below Tuff IA. -- Left maxilla fragment with P4-M3. 157 - L. Hlusko 2013/07/07 253 - OVPP No Mammalia Primates Anthropoidea Haplorhini Cercopithecoidea Cercopithecidae No
OVPP-Papio 1 26 SKULL, CRA, MAX 1913 104 - Unknown II Leakey LSB. 1965. Olduvai Gorge 1951-1961, Volume 1: Fauna and Background. New York, NY: Cambridge University Press. The assignment to Bed 2 is based on the author's analysis though he does not seem certain. The skull is from a juvenile. 131 - A. Remane 1925 264 - Leakey family expedition Unknown Mammalia Primates Anthropoidea Haplorhini Cercopithecoidea Cercopithecidae Cercopithecinae Papionini Papio sp. No
OVPP-Papio 2 245 6 - FLK NN CRA, MAX 1962 104 - Unknown I middle 2, 3 Leakey LSB. 1965. Olduvai Gorge 1951-1961, Volume 1: Fauna and Background. New York, NY: Cambridge University Press. Skull is severely crushed. 130 - L.S.B. Leakey 264 - Leakey family expedition Unknown Mammalia Primates Anthropoidea Haplorhini Cercopithecoidea Cercopithecidae Cercopithecinae Papionini Papio indet. No
M. 18779 1312 39 - MRC R-MAX-f 106 - Natural History Museum UK (?) II Upper, surface? Jolly, C. J. 1972. The classification and natural history of Theropithecus (Simopithecus)(Andrews, 1916), baboons of the African Plio-Pleistocene: British Museum (Natural History) 146 - C. J. Jolly Yes Mammalia Primates Anthropoidea Haplorhini Cercopithecoidea Cercopithecidae Cercopithecinae Papionini Theropithecus gelada No
M. 14681 1313 L-MAX-f, L-M, L-P 106 - Natural History Museum UK (?) II Hopwood, A. 1934. New fossil mammals from Olduvai, Tanganyika territory. Annals of the Magazine of Natural History. 10: 546-550. This specimen is pictured in plate 14b and 14c (Jolly, 1972). 293 - A.T. Hopwood Unknown Mammalia Primates Anthropoidea Haplorhini Cercopithecoidea Cercopithecidae Cynocephalinae Simopithecus leakeyi This specimen was reclassified as aff. Theropithecus by Jolly (1972). No
S. 193 3117 24 - DK MAX-f, P, M 1969 104 - Unknown I Leakey, M., and Leakey, R. 1976. Further Cercopithecinae (Mammalia, Primates) from the Plio/Pleistocene of East Africa. Fossil vertebrates of Africa 4:121-146. 142 - M. D. Leakey 264 - Leakey family expedition Unknown Mammalia Primates Anthropoidea Haplorhini Cercopithecoidea Cercopithecidae Cercopithecinae Papionini Papio sp. No
068/6514 3711 34 - MLK CRA, MAX-f, R/L-P, R/L-M 104 - Unknown II middle Leakey, M. G., and Leakey, R. E. F. 1973. Pleistocene Colobinae from East Africa. Leakey, L. S. B., Savage, R. J. G., Coryndon, S. C., eds. In: Fossil Vertebrates of Africa,vol. 3. London: Academic Pr This specimen is pictured in plate 3. 154 - Leakey and Leakey 264 - Leakey family expedition Unknown Mammalia Primates Anthropoidea Haplorhini Cercopithecoidea Cercopithecidae Colobinae Colobini Cercopithecoides kimeui Holotype No
2609 3943 MAX, P, (n=4), M, (M=2) II Petter, G. 1973. Carnivores Pleistocenes du ravin d’Olduvai (Tanzanie). Fossil vertebrates of Africa 3:43-100. Author lists specimen in an assemblage that is described as coming from FLK N, FLK NN, and MNK but does not specifically assign site. Specimen is pictured in image 1. 157 - L. Hlusko 2012/6/28 Unknown Mammalia Primates Anthropoidea Haplorhini Cercopithecoidea Cercopithecidae No
OVPP-Bularchus 1 127 10 - BK SKULL, MAX, CRA, HOR 104 - Unknown II Leakey LSB. 1965. Olduvai Gorge 1951-1961, Volume 1: Fauna and Background. New York, NY: Cambridge University Press. Several specimens including crania and post-cranial elements have been found in BK II. One example is pictured in plate 48. 130 - L.S.B. Leakey 264 - Leakey family expedition Unknown Mammalia Artiodactyla Ruminantia Bovoidea Bovidae Bovinae Bovini Bularchus arok Gentry and Gentry (1978a) renamed this specimen as P. oldowayensis. No
M. 21447 181 23 - TK CRA, L/R-MAX-f, L-HOR, L/R-P, L/R-M, L/R-I 1931 106 - Natural History Museum UK (?) III, IV 4 feet below Masek Beds Leakey LSB. 1965. Olduvai Gorge 1951-1961, Volume 1: Fauna and Background. New York, NY: Cambridge University Press. This neotype specimen is pictured in plates 81 and 82. The original holotype of M. kattwinkelli (VI-1099) was lost in WWII in Munich. 130 - L.S.B. Leakey 264 - Leakey family expedition Unknown Mammalia Artiodactyla Ruminantia Bovoidea Bovidae Alcelaphinae Alcelaphini Xenocephalus kattwinkelli Neotype - This specimen was reclassified by Gentry and Gentry (1978) as Megalotragus kattwinkeli. No
M. 21460/OR-NR VIII 343 205 CRA, MAX, HOR, M, P 1913 109 - BSPG, Munich, Germany(?)/ NHM UK(?) Leakey LSB. 1965. Olduvai Gorge 1951-1961, Volume 1: Fauna and Background. New York, NY: Cambridge University Press. This holotype was collected by Reck in 1913 and is housed in the Munich Museum, registered as OR-NR VIII 343. The BMNH number, M. 21460 is for the cast and is shown in plate 87. Locality was not provided by the author. 137 - A. Gentry 273 - Reck expedition Unknown Mammalia Artiodactyla Ruminantia Bovoidea Bovidae Antilopinae Antilopini Gazella Holotype - This specimen was reclassified as Antidorcas recki by Gentry and Gentry (1978). No
FLK NN I 608 212 6 - FLK NN MAN, CRA, HOR, MAX 1960 105 - National Museum and House of Culture, Dar es Salaam, Tanzania (?) I middle 1, 2, 3 Leakey LSB. 1965. Olduvai Gorge 1951-1961, Volume 1: Fauna and Background. New York, NY: Cambridge University Press. This specimen was badly cracked and weathered prior to fossilization. Other specimens are found here as well. Original information indicated that this specimen was located in Nairobi. This specimen is likely within the material that was repatriated to Dar in 2011, but this has yet to be confirmed. 130 - L.S.B. Leakey 264 - Leakey family expedition Yes Mammalia Artiodactyla Ruminantia Bovoidea Bovidae Alcelaphinae Alcelaphini This specimen was reclassified as Hippotragus gigas by Gentry and Gentry (1978). No
OVPP-Tragelaphus 4 616 24 - DK MAX, MAN 104 - Unknown II lower Leakey MD. (1971) Olduvai Gorge, Vol. 3: excavations in Beds I & II 1960-1963. New York, NY: Cambridge University Press. Gentry and Gentry (1978) indicate more specimens have been found at this site. 142 - M. D. Leakey 264 - Leakey family expedition Unknown Mammalia Artiodactyla Ruminantia Bovoidea Bovidae Bovinae Strepsicerotini Strepsiceros maryanus This specimen was reclassified as Tragelaphus strepsiceros maryanus by Gentry and Gentry (1978). No
HWK EE II 1972.3916 707 37 - HWK EE R-MAX, R-M 1972 104 - Unknown II lower middle Gentry, A. W., and Gentry, A. 1978. Fossil Bovidae (Mammalia) of Olduvai Gorge, Tanzania. Part I. Bulletin of the British Museum (Natural History): Geology 29:289-446. 137 - A. Gentry Unknown Mammalia Artiodactyla Ruminantia Bovoidea Bovidae Bovinae Tragelaphini Tragelaphus strepsiceros maryanus This specimen is rather small for later greater kudus. No
FLK I G.067/1089 711 5 - FLK MAX, d-P, MAN 104 - Unknown I Gentry, A. W., and Gentry, A. 1978. Fossil Bovidae (Mammalia) of Olduvai Gorge, Tanzania. Part I. Bulletin of the British Museum (Natural History): Geology 29:289-446. The mandible of this juvenile specimen was originally given its own specimen number: FLK I G.067/1085. It was later realized they represented the same individual. 137 - A. Gentry Unknown Mammalia Artiodactyla Ruminantia Bovoidea Bovidae Bovinae Tragelaphini Tragelaphus strepsiceros maryanus No
OVPP-Tragelaphus 712 24 - DK MAX, MAN 104 - Unknown I Gentry, A. W., and Gentry, A. 1978. Fossil Bovidae (Mammalia) of Olduvai Gorge, Tanzania. Part I. Bulletin of the British Museum (Natural History): Geology 29:289-446. Author gives details of mandibular and maxillary measurements from T. s. maryanus specimens found at Olduvai but does not give details on how many are found. 137 - A. Gentry Unknown Mammalia Artiodactyla Ruminantia Bovoidea Bovidae Bovinae Tragelaphini Tragelaphus strepsiceros maryanus No
FLK NN I 553 714 6 - FLK NN MAX, MAN 104 - Unknown I Gentry, A. W., and Gentry, A. 1978. Fossil Bovidae (Mammalia) of Olduvai Gorge, Tanzania. Part I. Bulletin of the British Museum (Natural History): Geology 29:289-446. The authors indicate that this specimen number is for the maxilla and that mandibles "62 and 66 + 548" belong to this individual as well. 137 - A. Gentry Unknown Mammalia Artiodactyla Ruminantia Bovoidea Bovidae Bovinae Tragelaphini Tragelaphus strepsiceros maryanus No
Rhino K 068/6655 770 47 - Rhino Korongo R-MAX 104 - Unknown II upper Gentry, A. W., and Gentry, A. 1978. Fossil Bovidae (Mammalia) of Olduvai Gorge, Tanzania. Part I. Bulletin of the British Museum (Natural History): Geology 29:289-446. The author says this specimen is "probably from upper Bed II". It is pictured in plate 3. 137 - A. Gentry Yes Mammalia Artiodactyla Ruminantia Bovoidea Bovidae Bovinae Bovini Syncerus acoelotus No
FLK NN I 1961.871 778 6 - FLK NN R-HOR, CRA, MAX 1961 104 - Unknown I Gentry, A. W., and Gentry, A. 1978. Fossil Bovidae (Mammalia) of Olduvai Gorge, Tanzania. Part I. Bulletin of the British Museum (Natural History): Geology 29:289-446. These horn cores are shown in plate 5, figures 1 and 2. 137 - A. Gentry Unknown Mammalia Artiodactyla Ruminantia Bovoidea Bovidae Reduncinae Reduncini Kobus sigmoidalis No
FLK NN I 535 785 6 - FLK NN MAX 104 - Unknown I Gentry, A. W., and Gentry, A. 1978. Fossil Bovidae (Mammalia) of Olduvai Gorge, Tanzania. Part I. Bulletin of the British Museum (Natural History): Geology 29:289-446. 137 - A. Gentry Unknown Mammalia Artiodactyla Ruminantia Bovoidea Bovidae Reduncinae Reduncini Kobus sigmoidalis No
FLK I B.46 790 5 - FLK MAX 104 - Unknown I Gentry, A. W., and Gentry, A. 1978. Fossil Bovidae (Mammalia) of Olduvai Gorge, Tanzania. Part I. Bulletin of the British Museum (Natural History): Geology 29:289-446. 137 - A. Gentry Unknown Mammalia Artiodactyla Ruminantia Bovoidea Bovidae Reduncinae Reduncini Kobus sigmoidalis No
BK II 1963.2226 841 10 - BK L-MAX-f, L-M 1963 104 - Unknown II Gentry, A. W., and Gentry, A. 1978. Fossil Bovidae (Mammalia) of Olduvai Gorge, Tanzania. Part I. Bulletin of the British Museum (Natural History): Geology 29:289-446. This specimen is pictured in plate 11, figure 4 137 - A. Gentry Unknown Mammalia Artiodactyla Ruminantia Bovoidea Bovidae Hippotraginae Hippotragini Hippotragus gigas No
FLK I 1960.067/1097 844 5 - FLK M, MAX 1960 104 - Unknown I Gentry, A. W., and Gentry, A. 1978. Fossil Bovidae (Mammalia) of Olduvai Gorge, Tanzania. Part I. Bulletin of the British Museum (Natural History): Geology 29:289-446. The authors mention a "molar row" with this specimen number but do not explicitly state maxilla though it is assumed. 137 - A. Gentry Unknown Mammalia Artiodactyla Ruminantia Bovoidea Bovidae Hippotraginae Hippotragini Hippotragus gigas No
DK I 37+43 855 24 - DK MAX, d-P 104 - Unknown I Gentry, A. W., and Gentry, A. 1978. Fossil Bovidae (Mammalia) of Olduvai Gorge, Tanzania. Part I. Bulletin of the British Museum (Natural History): Geology 29:289-446. This specimen is from a juvenile. 137 - A. Gentry Unknown Mammalia Artiodactyla Ruminantia Bovoidea Bovidae Hippotraginae Hippotragini Hippotragus gigas No
FLK I B.067/1093 896 5 - FLK L-MAX, L-M 104 - Unknown I Gentry, A. W., and Gentry, A. 1978. Fossil Bovidae (Mammalia) of Olduvai Gorge, Tanzania. Part I. Bulletin of the British Museum (Natural History): Geology 29:289-446. 137 - A. Gentry Unknown Mammalia Artiodactyla Ruminantia Bovoidea Bovidae Alcelaphinae Alcelaphini Indet. No
FLK N I 067/240 899 7 - FLK North MAX, M, P 104 - Unknown I Gentry, A. W., and Gentry, A. 1978. Fossil Bovidae (Mammalia) of Olduvai Gorge, Tanzania. Part I. Bulletin of the British Museum (Natural History): Geology 29:289-446. This specimen is from an immature individual. 137 - A. Gentry Unknown Mammalia Artiodactyla Ruminantia Bovoidea Bovidae Alcelaphinae Alcelaphini No
FLK N I 1136 949 7 - FLK North MAX 104 - Unknown I Gentry, A. W., and Gentry, A. 1978. Fossil Bovidae (Mammalia) of Olduvai Gorge, Tanzania. Part I. Bulletin of the British Museum (Natural History): Geology 29:289-446. This specimen is pictured in plate 37, figure 5. 137 - A. Gentry Unknown Mammalia Artiodactyla Ruminantia Bovoidea Bovidae Alcelaphinae Alcelaphini Parmularius altidens No
FLK N I 1604 950 7 - FLK North MAX 104 - Unknown I Gentry, A. W., and Gentry, A. 1978. Fossil Bovidae (Mammalia) of Olduvai Gorge, Tanzania. Part I. Bulletin of the British Museum (Natural History): Geology 29:289-446. 137 - A. Gentry Unknown Mammalia Artiodactyla Ruminantia Bovoidea Bovidae Alcelaphinae Alcelaphini Parmularius altidens No
FLK N I 10209 951 7 - FLK North MAX 104 - Unknown I Gentry, A. W., and Gentry, A. 1978. Fossil Bovidae (Mammalia) of Olduvai Gorge, Tanzania. Part I. Bulletin of the British Museum (Natural History): Geology 29:289-446. 137 - A. Gentry Unknown Mammalia Artiodactyla Ruminantia Bovoidea Bovidae Alcelaphinae Alcelaphini Parmularius altidens No