Olduvai Gorge and the Comprehensive Olduvai Database Initiative offer numerous opportunities for science education, both formally and informally.
A project that is formally tied to OVPP and the funding that makes CODI possible is a series of workshops for primary and secondary school teachers (K-12) in Arusha, Tanzania, directed by Mrs. Felista Mangalu. Please click here to learn more about this project.
The Tanzanian Department of Antiquities, the Getty Conservation Institute and Curatorial Assistance collaborated on the Olduvai Gorge Interpretive Center, on site in the Ngorongoro Conservation area. Please stop by to see it.
National Geographic’s description is here.
There are many websites that describe the hominid fossils and archaeological artifacts recovered from Olduvai Gorge and the scientists who have conducted that research. The best way to find them all is to do an online search.