Preserved elements abbreviation key
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Preserved Elements
The anatomical description of the specimen is described in this section. Specimen elements are abbreviated. Oftentimes the author of a publication or monograph does not give the side of the element preserved. For example a maxilla will be abbreviated MAX. If it is a fragmented left side of the maxilla, it will be abbreviated L-MAX-f.
The following table lists the abbreviations and their corresponding elements.
Element | Abbreviation | Notes |
Articular | ARTC | |
Astragalus | AST | |
Atlas (1st cervical vert.) | ATL | |
Axis (2nd cervical vert.) | AXIS | |
Basicranium | BASC | |
Basioccipital | BOCC | |
Calcaneus | CAL | |
Calvaria | CALV | |
Canine | C | |
Capitate | CAP | |
Carapace | CARA | |
Carpal | CAR | |
Carpometacarpus | CARMET | |
Caudal vertebra | CAU | |
Ceratohyal | CRHL | |
Cervical vertebra | CER | |
Clavicle | CLA | |
Claw | CLAW | |
Cleithrum | CLEI | |
Coracoid | COR | |
Cranium | CRA | |
Cuboid | CUB | |
Cuneiform | CUNE | |
Dentary | DNTY | |
Dermethmoid | DERM | |
Dermosphenotic | DRMS | |
Entoplastron | ENPS | |
Epihyal | EPHL | |
Epiplastron | EPLS | |
Ethmoid | ETHM | |
Fang | FANG | |
Femur | FEM | |
Fibula | FIB | |
Frontal | FRO | |
Frontlet | FRLT | |
Gill arch | ARCH | |
Hamate | HAM | |
Horn core | HOR | |
Humerus | HUM | |
Hyomandibula | HMND | |
Hypohyal | HYHL | |
Hypoplastron | HYPL | |
Incisor | I | |
Interopercle | IOPL | |
Jugal | JUG | |
Lumbar Vertebra | LUM | |
Mandible | MAN | |
Mandible and Cranium | SKULL | |
Maxilla | MAX | |
Mesethmoid | MSEH | |
Metacarpal | MTC | |
Metapodial | MTP | |
Metatarsal | MTT | |
Molar | M | |
Navicular | NAV | |
Naviculocuboid | CUBNAV | |
Neural | NRL | |
Neurocranium | NRCR | |
Nuchal | NUCH | |
Occipital | OCC | |
Opercle | OPER | |
Ossicone | OSS | |
Palatine | PAL | |
Parasphenoid | PSPH | |
Parietal | PAR | |
Patella | PAT | |
Pectoral girdle | PCG | |
Pelvic girdle | PVG | |
Peripheral | PERI | |
Phalanx | PHX | |
Pisiform | PIS | |
Plastron | PLAS | |
Pleural | PLR | |
Podial | POD | |
Premaxilla | PMAX | |
Premolar | P | |
Preopercle | POPR | |
Pterotic | PTRC | |
Pterygiophore | PTYG | |
Pterygoid | PTER | |
Pygal | PYG | |
Quadrate | QUAD | |
Radioulna | RUL | |
Radius | RAD | |
Ray | RAY | |
Rib | RIB | |
Sacrum | SAC | |
Scapula | SCP | |
Sesamoid | SES | |
Shell | SHELL | |
Sphenotic | SPHT | |
Skeleton (complete) | SKEL | |
Spine | SPINE | |
Sternum | STNM | |
Suborbital | SUBO | |
Supracleithrum | SPCL | |
Supraoccipital | SOCC | |
Supraorbital | SORB | |
Supraoperculum | SUPP | |
Suprapygal | SUPY | |
Talus | TAL | |
Tarsal | TAR | |
Tarsometatarsus | TARMET | |
Temporal bone | TEM | |
Thoracic vertebrae | THO | |
Tibia | TIB | |
Tibofibula | TFB | |
Tibiotarsus | TBT | |
Triquetral | TRQL | |
Tusk | TUSK | |
Ulna | ULNA | |
Unidentified limb bone(s) | LIMB | |
Unknown elements | UK | Author did not provide information on elements preserved |
Unspecified tooth | TOOTH | |
Urohyal | URHL | |
Vertebra | VER | Unidentified vertebra |
Vomer | VOM | |
Xiphiplastron | XIPH | |
Zygomatic bone | ZYG | |
Prefixes | Abbreviation | |
Right side of element | R- | For instance R-MAX refers to the right maxilla |
Left side of element | L- | For instance L-TIB refers to the left tibia |
Right and left sides | R/L- | Both sides of the element have been preserved |
Deciduous tooth prefix | d- | |
*Note: Elements requiring more than one prefix should have the prefixes separated by a slash. For instance, a right deciduous molar would be R/d-M | ||
Suffixes | Abbreviation | |
Fragment | -f | Only a fragment of the element has been preserved. |