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IMPORTANT NOTE: We have maintained the originally published taxonomic designation for each specimen despite the fact that many of these specimens have been reclassified since.  We chose to follow this protocol because of the difficulty in keeping up to date with all of the taxonomic groups, and our hesitancy to make a judgement call on taxonomic debates.  As such, please search the database with this in mind, perhaps using higher level taxonomic classifications for your query.

Search Results

1334 specimens found
Image Spec # CODI Database ID Arch. Locality Geo. Locality Elements Preserved Excavation Date Repository Bed Level Stratigraphic Horizon Bibliographic Information Curatorial Notes ID By ID Date Research Team In Situ Sediment or Matrix Adhering Class Order Suborder Infraorder Superfamily Family Subfamily Tribe Genus Species Subspecies Taxonomic Notes Taxonomic Problems
1931 II 1222 9025 L-TIB 1913 116 - Bayerische Staatssammlung für Paläontologie und Geologie (BSPG), Munich, Germany Black E. 1937. Fossil Antelopes of Olduvai. Scientific results of the Olduvai Expedition 1913:8-104. Complete, juvenile. Label/publication taxon ID: Gorgon taurinus semiticus. Reck Field No.: VI 916. 273 - Reck expedition Unknown Mammalia Artiodactyla Ruminantia Bovoidea Bovidae Alcelaphinae Alcelaphini Megalotragus kattwinkeli Inventoried by Faysal Bibi in 2012. No
1931 II 604 9034 L-TRQL 1913 116 - Bayerische Staatssammlung für Paläontologie und Geologie (BSPG), Munich, Germany Black E. 1937. Fossil Antelopes of Olduvai. Scientific results of the Olduvai Expedition 1913:63. Label/publication taxon ID: Gorgon taurinus semiticus. Reck Field No.: none / VII 541. Label states no number (ohne Nummer) but written on the specimen is VII 541. Schwarz does list one triquetral of G.t.semiticus as ohne Nummer. 273 - Reck expedition Unknown Mammalia Artiodactyla Ruminantia Bovoidea Bovidae Alcelaphinae Alcelaphini Megalotragus kattwinkeli Inventoried by Faysal Bibi in 2012. No
1931 II 942 9038 L-ULNA-f 1913 116 - Bayerische Staatssammlung für Paläontologie und Geologie (BSPG), Munich, Germany Black E. 1937. Fossil Antelopes of Olduvai. Scientific results of the Olduvai Expedition 1913:62. Proximal. Label/publication taxon ID: Gorgon taurinus semiticus. Reck Field No.: VII 556. 273 - Reck expedition Unknown Mammalia Artiodactyla Ruminantia Bovoidea Bovidae Alcelaphinae Alcelaphini Megalotragus kattwinkeli Inventoried by Faysal Bibi in 2012. No
1931 II 946 9039 L-ULNA-f 1913 116 - Bayerische Staatssammlung für Paläontologie und Geologie (BSPG), Munich, Germany Black E. 1937. Fossil Antelopes of Olduvai. Scientific results of the Olduvai Expedition 1913:62. Proximal, juvenile. Label/publication taxon ID: Gorgon taurinus semiticus. Reck Field No.: XVI 1278. 273 - Reck expedition Unknown Mammalia Artiodactyla Ruminantia Bovoidea Bovidae Alcelaphinae Alcelaphini Megalotragus kattwinkeli Inventoried by Faysal Bibi in 2012. No
1931 II 1282 9043 L-ULNA 1913 116 - Bayerische Staatssammlung für Paläontologie und Geologie (BSPG), Munich, Germany Black E. 1937. Fossil Antelopes of Olduvai. Scientific results of the Olduvai Expedition 1913:8-104. Complete, juvenile. Label/publication taxon ID: Gorgon taurinus semiticus. Reck Field No.: VI 292. 273 - Reck expedition Unknown Mammalia Artiodactyla Ruminantia Bovoidea Bovidae Alcelaphinae Alcelaphini Megalotragus kattwinkeli Inventoried by Faysal Bibi in 2012. No
1931 II 777 9057 L-MAN, L-P, L-M 1913 116 - Bayerische Staatssammlung für Paläontologie und Geologie (BSPG), Munich, Germany Black E. 1937. Fossil Antelopes of Olduvai. Scientific results of the Olduvai Expedition 1913:61. Almost complete mandible w p3 alv, p4-m3. Reck Field No.: VII 469. This could be the same individual as 1931 II 666, cranium of Rhynotragus semiticus. 273 - Reck expedition Unknown Mammalia Artiodactyla Ruminantia Bovoidea Bovidae Alcelaphinae Alcelaphini Megalotragus kattwinkeli Inventoried by Faysal Bibi in 2012. No
1931 II 1264 9059 L-MAN-f 1913 116 - Bayerische Staatssammlung für Paläontologie und Geologie (BSPG), Munich, Germany Black E. 1937. Fossil Antelopes of Olduvai. Scientific results of the Olduvai Expedition 1913:8-104. Ascending ramus. Label/publication taxon ID: Gorgon taurinus semiticus. Reck Field No.: VII 512. 273 - Reck expedition Unknown Mammalia Artiodactyla Ruminantia Bovoidea Bovidae Alcelaphinae Alcelaphini Megalotragus kattwinkeli Inventoried by Faysal Bibi in 2012. No
1931 II 1127 9061 L-MAN-f 1913 116 - Bayerische Staatssammlung für Paläontologie und Geologie (BSPG), Munich, Germany Black E. 1937. Fossil Antelopes of Olduvai. Scientific results of the Olduvai Expedition 1913:61. Ascending ramus w coronoid & condyle. Label/publication taxon ID: Gorgon taurinus semiticus. Reck Field No.: VI 579. 273 - Reck expedition Unknown Mammalia Artiodactyla Ruminantia Bovoidea Bovidae Alcelaphinae Alcelaphini Megalotragus kattwinkeli Inventoried by Faysal Bibi in 2012. No
1931 II 1043 9062 L-MAN-f 1913 116 - Bayerische Staatssammlung für Paläontologie und Geologie (BSPG), Munich, Germany -- Ascending ramus with condyle. Label/publication taxon ID: Gorgon taurinus semiticus. Reck Field No.: XVI 1125 / XIV 1125. 273 - Reck expedition Unknown Mammalia Artiodactyla Ruminantia Bovoidea Bovidae Alcelaphinae Alcelaphini Megalotragus kattwinkeli Inventoried by Faysal Bibi in 2012. No
1931 II 1136 9099 L-MAN-f, L/d-P 1913 116 - Bayerische Staatssammlung für Paläontologie und Geologie (BSPG), Munich, Germany Black E. 1937. Fossil Antelopes of Olduvai. Scientific results of the Olduvai Expedition 1913:61. dp3-dp4, juvenile. Label/publication taxon ID: Gorgon taurinus semiticus. Reck Field No.: VI 864. 273 - Reck expedition Unknown Mammalia Artiodactyla Ruminantia Bovoidea Bovidae Alcelaphinae Alcelaphini Megalotragus kattwinkeli Inventoried by Faysal Bibi in 2012. No
1931 II 1126 9100 L-MAN-f, L/d-P 1913 116 - Bayerische Staatssammlung für Paläontologie und Geologie (BSPG), Munich, Germany Black E. 1937. Fossil Antelopes of Olduvai. Scientific results of the Olduvai Expedition 1913:61. dp3-dp4, juvenile. Label/publication taxon ID: Gorgon taurinus semiticus. Reck Field No.: XVI 1361. 273 - Reck expedition Unknown Mammalia Artiodactyla Ruminantia Bovoidea Bovidae Alcelaphinae Alcelaphini Megalotragus kattwinkeli Inventoried by Faysal Bibi in 2012. No
1931 II 1135 9101 L-MAN-f, L/d-P, L/d-M 1913 116 - Bayerische Staatssammlung für Paläontologie und Geologie (BSPG), Munich, Germany Black E. 1937. Fossil Antelopes of Olduvai. Scientific results of the Olduvai Expedition 1913:61. dp3-m1, juvenile. Label/publication taxon ID: Gorgon taurinus semiticus. Reck Field No.: XVI 1123. 273 - Reck expedition Unknown Mammalia Artiodactyla Ruminantia Bovoidea Bovidae Alcelaphinae Alcelaphini Megalotragus kattwinkeli Inventoried by Faysal Bibi in 2012. No
1931 II 878 9102 L-MAN-f, L/d-P, L/d-M 1913 116 - Bayerische Staatssammlung für Paläontologie und Geologie (BSPG), Munich, Germany Black E. 1937. Fossil Antelopes of Olduvai. Scientific results of the Olduvai Expedition 1913:56. dP3-M1, juvenile. Label/publication taxon ID: Damaliscus korrigum angusticornis. Reck Field No.: X 1627.2. 273 - Reck expedition Unknown Mammalia Artiodactyla Ruminantia Bovoidea Bovidae Alcelaphinae Alcelaphini Inventoried by Faysal Bibi in 2012. No
1931 II 1151 9103 L-MAN-f, L/d-P, L/d-M 1913 116 - Bayerische Staatssammlung für Paläontologie und Geologie (BSPG), Munich, Germany -- dp3-m2, juvenile, with ascending ramus. Label/publication taxon ID: Gorgon taurinus semiticus. Reck Field No.: VII 673. 273 - Reck expedition Unknown Mammalia Artiodactyla Ruminantia Bovoidea Bovidae Alcelaphinae Alcelaphini Megalotragus kattwinkeli Inventoried by Faysal Bibi in 2012. No
1931 II 853 9106 L-MAN-f, L/d-P, L/d-M 1913 116 - Bayerische Staatssammlung für Paläontologie und Geologie (BSPG), Munich, Germany -- dp4-m1, juvenile. Label/publication taxon ID: Gazella granti. Reck Field No.: X 1627.1. 273 - Reck expedition Unknown Mammalia Artiodactyla Ruminantia Bovoidea Bovidae Antilopinae Antilopini Inventoried by Faysal Bibi in 2012. No
1931 II 1256 9108 L-MAN-f, L/d-P, L/d-M 1913 116 - Bayerische Staatssammlung für Paläontologie und Geologie (BSPG), Munich, Germany Black E. 1937. Fossil Antelopes of Olduvai. Scientific results of the Olduvai Expedition 1913:8-104. dp4-m2, juvenile. Label/publication taxon ID: Gorgon taurinus semiticus. Reck Field No.: VII 470. 273 - Reck expedition Unknown Mammalia Artiodactyla Ruminantia Bovoidea Bovidae Alcelaphinae Alcelaphini Megalotragus kattwinkeli Inventoried by Faysal Bibi in 2012. No
1931 II 850 9124 L-M 1913 116 - Bayerische Staatssammlung für Paläontologie und Geologie (BSPG), Munich, Germany Black E. 1937. Fossil Antelopes of Olduvai. Scientific results of the Olduvai Expedition 1913:61. m1-m2. Label/publication taxon ID: Gorgon taurinus semiticus. Reck Field No.: XVI 1188. 273 - Reck expedition Unknown Mammalia Artiodactyla Ruminantia Bovoidea Bovidae Alcelaphinae Alcelaphini Megalotragus kattwinkeli Inventoried by Faysal Bibi in 2012. No
1931 II 873 9125 L-MAN-f, L-M 1913 116 - Bayerische Staatssammlung für Paläontologie und Geologie (BSPG), Munich, Germany Black E. 1937. Fossil Antelopes of Olduvai. Scientific results of the Olduvai Expedition 1913:40. m1-m3. Label/publication taxon ID: Gazella gazella praecursor. Reck Field No.: none. 273 - Reck expedition Unknown Mammalia Artiodactyla Ruminantia Bovoidea Bovidae Antilopinae Antilopini Inventoried by Faysal Bibi in 2012. No
1931 II 1116 9129 L-MAN-f, L-M 1913 116 - Bayerische Staatssammlung für Paläontologie und Geologie (BSPG), Munich, Germany Black E. 1937. Fossil Antelopes of Olduvai. Scientific results of the Olduvai Expedition 1913:61. m2-m3. Label/publication taxon ID: Gorgon taurinus semiticus. Reck Field No.: VI 855. 273 - Reck expedition Unknown Mammalia Artiodactyla Ruminantia Bovoidea Bovidae Alcelaphinae Alcelaphini Megalotragus kattwinkeli Inventoried by Faysal Bibi in 2012. No
1931 II 866 9130 L-M 1913 116 - Bayerische Staatssammlung für Paläontologie und Geologie (BSPG), Munich, Germany -- m3. Label/publication taxon ID: Gorgon taurinus semiticus. Reck Field No.: XVI 1161. 273 - Reck expedition Unknown Mammalia Artiodactyla Ruminantia Bovoidea Bovidae Alcelaphinae Alcelaphini Megalotragus kattwinkeli Inventoried by Faysal Bibi in 2012. No
1931 II 868 9132 L-MAN-f, or, L-MAX-f?, L-P, L-M 1913 116 - Bayerische Staatssammlung für Paläontologie und Geologie (BSPG), Munich, Germany Black E. 1937. Fossil Antelopes of Olduvai. Scientific results of the Olduvai Expedition 1913:56. p4-m2. Label/publication taxon ID: Damaliscus korrigum angusticornis. Reck Field No.: E 86. This specimen's number was not visible in any photographs. As a result, the photograph was included because it is likely that the specimen is represented in this image. However, this is not confirmed and it is possible that the specimen is not in this photograph. 273 - Reck expedition Unknown Mammalia Artiodactyla Ruminantia Bovoidea Bovidae Alcelaphinae Alcelaphini Parmularius angusticornis Inventoried by Faysal Bibi in 2012. No
1931 II 1112 9133 L-MAN-f, L-P, L-M 1913 116 - Bayerische Staatssammlung für Paläontologie und Geologie (BSPG), Munich, Germany Black E. 1937. Fossil Antelopes of Olduvai. Scientific results of the Olduvai Expedition 1913:61. p4-m2. Label/publication taxon ID: Gorgon taurinus semiticus. Reck Field No.: VI 1600. 273 - Reck expedition Unknown Mammalia Artiodactyla Ruminantia Bovoidea Bovidae Alcelaphinae Alcelaphini Megalotragus kattwinkeli Inventoried by Faysal Bibi in 2012. No
1931 II 893 9181 L-MAN-f, L-M 1913 116 - Bayerische Staatssammlung für Paläontologie und Geologie (BSPG), Munich, Germany Black E. 1937. Fossil Antelopes of Olduvai. Scientific results of the Olduvai Expedition 1913:61. W m1-m2. Label/publication taxon ID: Gorgon taurinus semiticus. Reck Field No.: VI 883. 273 - Reck expedition Unknown Mammalia Artiodactyla Ruminantia Bovoidea Bovidae Alcelaphinae Alcelaphini Megalotragus kattwinkeli Inventoried by Faysal Bibi in 2012. No
1931 II 1106 9184 L-MAN-f, L-P 1913 116 - Bayerische Staatssammlung für Paläontologie und Geologie (BSPG), Munich, Germany Black E. 1937. Fossil Antelopes of Olduvai. Scientific results of the Olduvai Expedition 1913:61. W p4. Label/publication taxon ID: Gorgon taurinus semiticus. Reck Field No.: XVI 883. 273 - Reck expedition Unknown Mammalia Artiodactyla Ruminantia Bovoidea Bovidae Alcelaphinae Alcelaphini Megalotragus kattwinkeli Inventoried by Faysal Bibi in 2012. No
OVPP-194 9186 L-MAN, TOOTH 126 - Mary Leakey Camp, Antiquities Station Olduvai Gorge, Tanzania II Middle Sandstone. -- Left mandible with 3 teeth. Needs preparation. Fossil not labeled. In matrix. 157 - L. Hlusko 2012/07/06 253 - OVPP Yes Y Mammalia Artiodactyla Ruminantia Giraffoidea Giraffidae No
M 104151 13058 10 - BK L-MAN, P, M (2) 114 - Natural History Museum UK II -- OLD-1144; L-MAN with P4-M2; "OLD Y BK II 9.V.35" Unknown Mammalia Artiodactyla Ruminantia Bovoidea Bovidae Alcelaphinae Alcelaphini No
M. 104100 13008 L-M 114 - Natural History Museum UK -- Upper left M2; OLD-1094; (Last edit SC 2019) Unknown Mammalia Artiodactyla Ruminantia Bovoidea Bovidae Alcelaphinae Alcelaphini No
M 104163 13047 L-MAX-f, M 114 - Natural History Museum UK -- OLD-1133; L-MAX-f with M3 Unknown Mammalia Artiodactyla Ruminantia Bovoidea Bovidae Alcelaphinae Alcelaphini No
M 104161 13044 27 - MNK L-MAN-f, P, M (2) 114 - Natural History Museum UK -- OLD-1130; L-MAN-f with P4-M2; "Oldoway 6.5.35 M.N.K. S" Unknown Mammalia Artiodactyla Ruminantia Bovoidea Bovidae Alcelaphinae Alcelaphini No
M 104168 13043 L-MAN, P, M (3) 114 - Natural History Museum UK -- OLD-1129; L-MAN, P4-M3 Unknown Mammalia Artiodactyla Ruminantia Bovoidea Bovidae Alcelaphinae Alcelaphini No
M. 104112 13041 L-M 19/6/35 114 - Natural History Museum UK II -- "OLDY SHK II 19.VI.35"; Left upper M1 or M2; OLD-1127; (Last edit SC 2019) Unknown Mammalia Artiodactyla Ruminantia Bovoidea Bovidae Hippotraginae Hippotragini Unknown
M. 104142 13034 L-M 114 - Natural History Museum UK -- left upper M1 or M3; OLD-1120; (Last edit SC 2019) Unknown Mammalia Artiodactyla Ruminantia Bovoidea Bovidae Alcelaphinae Alcelaphini No
M 104144 13033 L-M 114 - Natural History Museum UK II -- OLD-1119; left upper M1 or M2; (Last edit SC 2019) Unknown Mammalia Artiodactyla Ruminantia Bovoidea Bovidae Alcelaphinae Alcelaphini No
M. 104118 13031 L-MAX, dP (2), M (2) 114 - Natural History Museum UK -- Left maxilla with dP3, dP4, M1, and M2; OLD-1117; (Last edit SC 2019) Unknown Mammalia Artiodactyla Ruminantia Bovoidea Bovidae Alcelaphinae Alcelaphini No
M. 104110 13029 L-M 10/5/35 114 - Natural History Museum UK II -- " OLD-y S MRC 2 10/5/35" Left upper M3; OLD-1115; (Last edit SC 2019) Unknown Mammalia Artiodactyla Ruminantia Bovoidea Bovidae Alcelaphinae Alcelaphini No
M. 104111 13028 L-P 10/5/35 114 - Natural History Museum UK II -- Left upper P4; OLD-1114; (Last edit SC 2019) Unknown Mammalia Artiodactyla Ruminantia Bovoidea Bovidae Alcelaphinae Alcelaphini No
M. 104122 13025 L-M 9.V.35 114 - Natural History Museum UK II -- "OLDY S.C. II S 9.V.35"; left upper M3; OLD-1111; (Last edit SC 2019) Unknown Mammalia Artiodactyla Ruminantia Bovoidea Bovidae Alcelaphinae Alcelaphini No
M. 104123 13020 L-M 114 - Natural History Museum UK I -- Left upper M2; OLD-1106; (Last edit SC 2019) Unknown Mammalia Artiodactyla Ruminantia Bovoidea Bovidae Alcelaphinae Alcelaphini No
M. 104139 13018 L-M 20.V.35 114 - Natural History Museum UK IV -- "OLD C.M.K. IV S 20.V.35"; upper M2; OLD-1104; (Last edit SC 2019) Unknown Mammalia Artiodactyla Ruminantia Bovoidea Bovidae Alcelaphinae Alcelaphini No
M. 104115 13015 L-MAN, P (2), M 114 - Natural History Museum UK IV -- Left mandible with P3-M1; OLD-1101; (Last edit SC 2019) Unknown Mammalia Artiodactyla Ruminantia Bovoidea Bovidae Alcelaphinae Alcelaphini No