DK IA 750 L/2 ?V |
8235 |
24 - DK |
122 - National Museum and House of Culture, Dar es Salaam, Tanzania |
I |
2, A? |
-- |
Metacarpal. Left fifth metatarsal?. Pleistocene. Card in bag with specimen states "KNM 2.021 Loc: OLDUVAI, OLD 62". Specimen found in bag together with DK IA 749 L/2 OLD 62. Probably from the same individual. |
2012/08/06 |
264 - Leakey family expedition |
Unknown |
Mammalia |
Primates |
Anthropoidea |
Haplorhini |
Cercopithecoidea |
No |
DK I 067/4230 II L/1 |
8236 |
24 - DK |
MTC-f |
122 - National Museum and House of Culture, Dar es Salaam, Tanzania |
I |
1 |
Strip II |
-- |
Proximal end of metacarpal. Pleistocene. Card in bag with specimen states "Loc: lduvai, Field No: OLD 62". |
2012/08/06 |
264 - Leakey family expedition |
Unknown |
Mammalia |
Primates |
Anthropoidea |
Haplorhini |
Cercopithecoidea |
No |
DK I 5196 L/I |
8242 |
24 - DK |
122 - National Museum and House of Culture, Dar es Salaam, Tanzania |
I |
1 |
-- |
Left metacarpal. Card in bag with specimen states "OLD 63 DK I #5196 Left 5th metacarpal." Specimen found in bag with specimens OLD/63 DK I 86 Mt IV L (Metatarsal), OLD/63 DK I ?17 (Metacarpal) and DK I 5197 L/1 (Metapodial). Card written by Paul F. Whitehead. |
2012/08/06 |
264 - Leakey family expedition |
Unknown |
Mammalia |
Primates |
Anthropoidea |
Haplorhini |
Cercopithecoidea |
No |
OLD/63 DK I 117 |
8245 |
24 - DK |
122 - National Museum and House of Culture, Dar es Salaam, Tanzania |
I |
-- |
Right metacarpal. Card in bag with specimen states "OLD/63 DK I #117 2nd right metacarpal". Card written by Paul F. Whitehead. Specimen found in bag with OLD/63 DK I 86 (Metatarsal), DK I 5196 L/1 (Metacarpal), DK I 5197 L/1 (Metapodial). |
2012/08/06 |
264 - Leakey family expedition |
Unknown |
Mammalia |
Primates |
Anthropoidea |
Haplorhini |
Cercopithecoidea |
No |
2959 DK IA L/2 |
8250 |
24 - DK |
122 - National Museum and House of Culture, Dar es Salaam, Tanzania |
I |
2, A? |
-- |
First right metacarpal. Card in bag with specimen states "Loc: Olduvai Field No: DK I 067/2959 L/2". Card written by P. W. Pleistocene. |
2012/08/07 |
264 - Leakey family expedition |
Unknown |
Mammalia |
Primates |
Anthropoidea |
Haplorhini |
Cercopithecoidea |
No |
OLD/63/3059 DK I L/2 KNM 2.023 |
8252 |
24 - DK |
122 - National Museum and House of Culture, Dar es Salaam, Tanzania |
I |
2 |
-- |
Left calcaneus. Card in bag with specimen states "Loc: Olduvai Field No: Old/63 DK I 3059 Strip II L/2". Other card found in bag states "Cercopithecidae, Cynocephalinae left of small....". For more information see the card which has been photographed. |
2012/08/07 |
264 - Leakey family expedition |
Unknown |
Mammalia |
Primates |
Anthropoidea |
Haplorhini |
Cercopithecoidea |
No |
FLK NNI 1011 |
8257 |
6 - FLK NN |
MAX, MAN, CRA-f, R/L-M, TOOTH-f, UK-f |
122 - National Museum and House of Culture, Dar es Salaam, Tanzania |
I |
-- |
Packed in National Museum in Nairobi, Kenya in box 188 or 189 labeled "Cercopithecidae" for transport to National Museum of History, Dar es Salaam, Tanzania. Maxilla, mandible, cranium fragment, right second and third molar, left third molar, tooth fragment and unknown fragment. Other card in bag states "FLK NNI 1011 + another individual there? M3 etc ED `81". |
2012/08/09 |
264 - Leakey family expedition |
Unknown |
Mammalia |
Primates |
Anthropoidea |
Haplorhini |
Cercopithecoidea |
No |
751 L/2 |
8262 |
122 - National Museum and House of Culture, Dar es Salaam, Tanzania |
2 |
-- |
Right scaphoid. Card in bag with specimen states "Loc: Olduvai Field No: DK IA Old/62". Other card found in bag states "Appears to be right scaphoid closer to papio in morphology than most PW 12/84 theropithecus". Pleistocene. Card written by P. W. |
2012/08/09 |
264 - Leakey family expedition |
Unknown |
Mammalia |
Primates |
Anthropoidea |
Haplorhini |
Cercopithecoidea |
No |
OLD/70 5931 WK VIII/3 |
8268 |
38 - WK |
C |
122 - National Museum and House of Culture, Dar es Salaam, Tanzania |
3 |
-- |
Canine. Card in bag with specimen states "WK main changed? monkey." Specimen found in bag with Old/70 5929 WK VIII/4. |
2012/08/10 |
264 - Leakey family expedition |
Unknown |
Mammalia |
Primates |
Anthropoidea |
Haplorhini |
Cercopithecoidea |
No |
OLD/70 5929 WK VIII/4 |
8269 |
38 - WK |
C |
122 - National Museum and House of Culture, Dar es Salaam, Tanzania |
4 |
-- |
Canine. Card in bag with specimen states "WK main changed? monkey." Specimen found in bag with OLD/70 5931 WK VIII/3. |
2012/08/10 |
264 - Leakey family expedition |
Unknown |
Mammalia |
Primates |
Anthropoidea |
Haplorhini |
Cercopithecoidea |
No |
OLD 1951 315 BK II |
8273 |
10 - BK |
122 - National Museum and House of Culture, Dar es Salaam, Tanzania |
II |
-- |
Right calcaneus. |
2012/08/10 |
264 - Leakey family expedition |
Unknown |
Mammalia |
Primates |
Anthropoidea |
Haplorhini |
Cercopithecoidea |
No |
OLD/63 5507 DK I II/4 L/2 |
8276 |
24 - DK |
122 - National Museum and House of Culture, Dar es Salaam, Tanzania |
I, II |
2 |
-- |
Right calcaneus. Pleistocene. Card in bag with specimen states "Cercopithecidae, left calcaneus of a fourth... ?." See photo of card found with specimen. |
2012/08/10 |
264 - Leakey family expedition |
Unknown |
Mammalia |
Primates |
Anthropoidea |
Haplorhini |
Cercopithecoidea |
No |
8291 |
122 - National Museum and House of Culture, Dar es Salaam, Tanzania |
-- |
Cranium. Cast. |
2012/08/13 |
264 - Leakey family expedition |
Unknown |
Mammalia |
Primates |
Anthropoidea |
Haplorhini |
Cercopithecoidea |
No |
OVPP-L-212 |
8335 |
C |
126 - Mary Leakey Camp, Antiquities Station Olduvai Gorge, Tanzania |
-- |
Box #: OLD 86. Box label: Teeth |
158 - W. Reiner |
2012/07/01 |
Unknown |
Mammalia |
Artiodactyla |
Suiformes |
Hippopotamoidea |
Hippopotamidae |
No |
OVPP-L-215 |
8356 |
MAX, I, C |
126 - Mary Leakey Camp, Antiquities Station Olduvai Gorge, Tanzania |
-- |
Specimen label: OLD-87-?37-?3-S. Box #: OLD 87-3-E. Box label: Teeth. |
158 - W. Reiner |
2012/07/01 |
Unknown |
Mammalia |
Perissodactyla |
Hippomorpha |
Equidae |
No |
1931 II 602 |
8414 |
116 - Bayerische Staatssammlung für Paläontologie und Geologie (BSPG), Munich, Germany |
Black E. 1937. Fossil Antelopes of Olduvai. Scientific results of the Olduvai Expedition 1913:8-104. |
Label/Publication Taxon ID: Alcelaphus kattwinkeli. Reck Field No.: VI 192. |
273 - Reck expedition |
Unknown |
Mammalia |
Artiodactyla |
Ruminantia |
Bovoidea |
Bovidae |
Alcelaphinae |
Alcelaphini |
Megalotragus |
kattwinkeli |
Inventoried by Faysal Bibi in 2012. |
No |
1931 II 633 |
8415 |
116 - Bayerische Staatssammlung für Paläontologie und Geologie (BSPG), Munich, Germany |
Black E. 1937. Fossil Antelopes of Olduvai. Scientific results of the Olduvai Expedition 1913:8-104. |
Label/Publication Taxon ID: Gorgon taurinus semiticus. Reck Field No.: VI 360 / VIII 360. Label reads VI 360 as does the listing by Schwarz, but field number on specimen is VIII 360. |
273 - Reck expedition |
Unknown |
Mammalia |
Artiodactyla |
Ruminantia |
Bovoidea |
Bovidae |
Alcelaphinae |
Alcelaphini |
Megalotragus |
kattwinkeli |
Inventoried by Faysal Bibi in 2012. |
No |
1931 II 645 |
8416 |
116 - Bayerische Staatssammlung für Paläontologie und Geologie (BSPG), Munich, Germany |
Black E. 1937. Fossil Antelopes of Olduvai. Scientific results of the Olduvai Expedition 1913:8-104. |
Label/Publication Taxon ID: Gorgon taurinus semiticus. Reck Field No.: XVI 1243. |
273 - Reck expedition |
Unknown |
Mammalia |
Artiodactyla |
Ruminantia |
Bovoidea |
Bovidae |
Alcelaphinae |
Alcelaphini |
Megalotragus |
kattwinkeli |
Inventoried by Faysal Bibi in 2012. |
No |
1931 II 649 |
8417 |
116 - Bayerische Staatssammlung für Paläontologie und Geologie (BSPG), Munich, Germany |
Black E. 1937. Fossil Antelopes of Olduvai. Scientific results of the Olduvai Expedition 1913:8-104. |
Label/Publication Taxon ID: Gorgon taurinus semiticus. Reck Field No.: XVI 1200. |
273 - Reck expedition |
Unknown |
Mammalia |
Artiodactyla |
Ruminantia |
Bovoidea |
Bovidae |
Alcelaphinae |
Alcelaphini |
Megalotragus |
kattwinkeli |
Inventoried by Faysal Bibi in 2012. |
No |
1931 II 584 |
8418 |
116 - Bayerische Staatssammlung für Paläontologie und Geologie (BSPG), Munich, Germany |
Black E. 1937. Fossil Antelopes of Olduvai. Scientific results of the Olduvai Expedition 1913:8-104. |
Label/Publication Taxon ID: Gorgon taurinus semiticus. Reck Field No.: VII 540. |
273 - Reck expedition |
Unknown |
Mammalia |
Artiodactyla |
Ruminantia |
Bovoidea |
Bovidae |
Alcelaphinae |
Alcelaphini |
Megalotragus |
kattwinkeli |
Inventoried by Faysal Bibi in 2012. |
No |
1931 II 590 |
8419 |
116 - Bayerische Staatssammlung für Paläontologie und Geologie (BSPG), Munich, Germany |
Black E. 1937. Fossil Antelopes of Olduvai. Scientific results of the Olduvai Expedition 1913:8-104. |
Label/Publication Taxon ID: Gorgon taurinus semiticus. Reck Field No.: VII 540 / 541. Label reads VII 540, number on specimen is VII 541, Schwarz lists as VII 540 cubonaviculare. |
273 - Reck expedition |
Unknown |
Mammalia |
Artiodactyla |
Ruminantia |
Bovoidea |
Bovidae |
Alcelaphinae |
Alcelaphini |
Megalotragus |
kattwinkeli |
Inventoried by Faysal Bibi in 2012. |
No |
1931 II 597 |
8420 |
116 - Bayerische Staatssammlung für Paläontologie und Geologie (BSPG), Munich, Germany |
Black E. 1937. Fossil Antelopes of Olduvai. Scientific results of the Olduvai Expedition 1913:8-104. |
Label/Publication Taxon ID: Gorgon taurinus semiticus. Reck Field No.: X 748. |
273 - Reck expedition |
Unknown |
Mammalia |
Artiodactyla |
Ruminantia |
Bovoidea |
Bovidae |
Alcelaphinae |
Alcelaphini |
Megalotragus |
kattwinkeli |
Inventoried by Faysal Bibi in 2012. |
No |
1931 II 600 |
8421 |
116 - Bayerische Staatssammlung für Paläontologie und Geologie (BSPG), Munich, Germany |
Black E. 1937. Fossil Antelopes of Olduvai. Scientific results of the Olduvai Expedition 1913:8-104. |
Reck Field No.: X 446. |
273 - Reck expedition |
Unknown |
Mammalia |
Artiodactyla |
Ruminantia |
Bovoidea |
Bovidae |
Antilopinae |
Antilopini |
Inventoried by Faysal Bibi in 2012. |
No |
1931 II 603 |
8422 |
116 - Bayerische Staatssammlung für Paläontologie und Geologie (BSPG), Munich, Germany |
Black E. 1937. Fossil Antelopes of Olduvai. Scientific results of the Olduvai Expedition 1913:8-104. |
Label/Publication Taxon ID: Gorgon taurinus semiticus. Reck Field No.: VII 686. |
273 - Reck expedition |
Unknown |
Mammalia |
Artiodactyla |
Ruminantia |
Bovoidea |
Bovidae |
Alcelaphinae |
Alcelaphini |
Megalotragus |
kattwinkeli |
Inventoried by Faysal Bibi in 2012. |
No |
1931 II 625 |
8424 |
116 - Bayerische Staatssammlung für Paläontologie und Geologie (BSPG), Munich, Germany |
Black E. 1937. Fossil Antelopes of Olduvai. Scientific results of the Olduvai Expedition 1913:8-104. |
Label/Publication Taxon ID: Gorgon taurinus semiticus. Reck Field No.: VI 1019. |
273 - Reck expedition |
Unknown |
Mammalia |
Artiodactyla |
Ruminantia |
Bovoidea |
Bovidae |
Alcelaphinae |
Alcelaphini |
Megalotragus |
kattwinkeli |
Inventoried by Faysal Bibi in 2012. |
No |
1931 II 627 |
8425 |
116 - Bayerische Staatssammlung für Paläontologie und Geologie (BSPG), Munich, Germany |
Black E. 1937. Fossil Antelopes of Olduvai. Scientific results of the Olduvai Expedition 1913:8-104. |
Label/Publication Taxon ID: Gorgon taurinus semiticus. Reck Field No.: XVI 1355. |
273 - Reck expedition |
Unknown |
Mammalia |
Artiodactyla |
Ruminantia |
Bovoidea |
Bovidae |
Alcelaphinae |
Alcelaphini |
Megalotragus |
kattwinkeli |
Inventoried by Faysal Bibi in 2012. |
No |
1931 II 646 |
8426 |
116 - Bayerische Staatssammlung für Paläontologie und Geologie (BSPG), Munich, Germany |
Black E. 1937. Fossil Antelopes of Olduvai. Scientific results of the Olduvai Expedition 1913:8-104. |
Label/Publication Taxon ID: Gorgon taurinus semiticus. Reck Field No.: XVI 1196. |
273 - Reck expedition |
Unknown |
Mammalia |
Artiodactyla |
Ruminantia |
Bovoidea |
Bovidae |
Alcelaphinae |
Alcelaphini |
Megalotragus |
kattwinkeli |
Inventoried by Faysal Bibi in 2012. |
No |
1931 II 949 |
8427 |
116 - Bayerische Staatssammlung für Paläontologie und Geologie (BSPG), Munich, Germany |
Black E. 1937. Fossil Antelopes of Olduvai. Scientific results of the Olduvai Expedition 1913:8-104. |
Label/Publication Taxon ID: Gorgon taurinus semiticus. Reck Field No.: VII 530. With cuneiform. |
273 - Reck expedition |
Unknown |
Mammalia |
Artiodactyla |
Ruminantia |
Bovoidea |
Bovidae |
Alcelaphinae |
Alcelaphini |
Megalotragus |
kattwinkeli |
Inventoried by Faysal Bibi in 2012. |
No |
1931 II 967 |
8428 |
116 - Bayerische Staatssammlung für Paläontologie und Geologie (BSPG), Munich, Germany |
Black E. 1937. Fossil Antelopes of Olduvai. Scientific results of the Olduvai Expedition 1913:8-104. |
Label/Publication Taxon ID: Gorgon taurinus semiticus. Reck Field No.: VII 548. |
273 - Reck expedition |
Unknown |
Mammalia |
Artiodactyla |
Ruminantia |
Bovoidea |
Bovidae |
Alcelaphinae |
Alcelaphini |
Megalotragus |
kattwinkeli |
Inventoried by Faysal Bibi in 2012. |
No |
1931 II 1165 |
8486 |
1913 |
116 - Bayerische Staatssammlung für Paläontologie und Geologie (BSPG), Munich, Germany |
Black E. 1937. Fossil Antelopes of Olduvai. Scientific results of the Olduvai Expedition 1913:8-104. |
Label/Publication Taxon ID: Gorgon taurinus semiticus. Reck Field No.: VII 516.1. Thoracic, w carpal attached in matrix. |
273 - Reck expedition |
Unknown |
Y |
Mammalia |
Artiodactyla |
Ruminantia |
Bovoidea |
Bovidae |
Alcelaphinae |
Alcelaphini |
Megalotragus |
kattwinkeli |
Inventoried by Faysal Bibi in 2012. |
No |
1931 II 516 |
8509 |
L/R-BOCC-f |
1913 |
116 - Bayerische Staatssammlung für Paläontologie und Geologie (BSPG), Munich, Germany |
-- |
Basioccipital frag. Reck Field No.: VI 678. |
273 - Reck expedition |
Unknown |
Mammalia |
Artiodactyla |
Ruminantia |
Bovoidea |
Bovidae |
Alcelaphinae |
Alcelaphini |
Inventoried by Faysal Bibi in 2012. |
No |
1931 II 559 |
8510 |
1913 |
116 - Bayerische Staatssammlung für Paläontologie und Geologie (BSPG), Munich, Germany |
Black E. 1937. Fossil Antelopes of Olduvai. Scientific results of the Olduvai Expedition 1913:63. |
Label/publication taxon ID: Gorgon taurinus semiticus. Reck Field No.: VI 873. |
273 - Reck expedition |
Unknown |
Mammalia |
Artiodactyla |
Ruminantia |
Bovoidea |
Bovidae |
Alcelaphinae |
Alcelaphini |
Megalotragus |
kattwinkeli |
Inventoried by Faysal Bibi in 2012. |
No |
1931 II 561 |
8511 |
1913 |
116 - Bayerische Staatssammlung für Paläontologie und Geologie (BSPG), Munich, Germany |
Black E. 1937. Fossil Antelopes of Olduvai. Scientific results of the Olduvai Expedition 1913:63. |
Label/publication taxon ID: Gorgon taurinus semiticus. Reck Field No.: VI 441. |
273 - Reck expedition |
Unknown |
Mammalia |
Artiodactyla |
Ruminantia |
Bovoidea |
Bovidae |
Alcelaphinae |
Alcelaphini |
Megalotragus |
kattwinkeli |
Inventoried by Faysal Bibi in 2012. |
No |
1931 II 562 |
8512 |
1913 |
116 - Bayerische Staatssammlung für Paläontologie und Geologie (BSPG), Munich, Germany |
Black E. 1937. Fossil Antelopes of Olduvai. Scientific results of the Olduvai Expedition 1913:63. |
Label/publication taxon ID: Gorgon taurinus semiticus. Reck Field No.: XVI 1328. |
273 - Reck expedition |
Unknown |
Mammalia |
Artiodactyla |
Ruminantia |
Bovoidea |
Bovidae |
Alcelaphinae |
Alcelaphini |
Megalotragus |
kattwinkeli |
Inventoried by Faysal Bibi in 2012. |
No |
1931 II 564 |
8513 |
1913 |
116 - Bayerische Staatssammlung für Paläontologie und Geologie (BSPG), Munich, Germany |
Black E. 1937. Fossil Antelopes of Olduvai. Scientific results of the Olduvai Expedition 1913:63. |
Juvenile. Label/publication taxon ID: Gorgon taurinus semiticus. Reck Field No.: VII 505/506. Label says VII 505, number on specimen says VII 506. Schwarz lists as VII 505. |
273 - Reck expedition |
Unknown |
Mammalia |
Artiodactyla |
Ruminantia |
Bovoidea |
Bovidae |
Alcelaphinae |
Alcelaphini |
Megalotragus |
kattwinkeli |
Inventoried by Faysal Bibi in 2012. |
No |
OVPP Tyto 1 |
10177 |
6 - FLK NN |
, ULNA-f
, PHX |
I |
Brodkorb P., Mourer-Chauviré, C. 1984. Fossil owls from early man sites of Olduvai Gorge, Tanzania. Ostrich; Journal of African Ornithology 55:17-27. |
Authors do not specify specimen numbers. "Radius, 1 proximal and 1 distal part; ulna, 2 distal parts; carpometacarpus, 1 almost complete and l distal part; l phalanx of the wing; tarsometatarsus, 1 distal part and 2 distal fragments; 4 pedal phalanges" (Brodkorb and Mourer-Chauvire, 1984:23). "Place of conservation of the material: The fossils are currently on deposit at the University of Florida, Department of Zoology, and will later be returned to Tanzania" (Brodkorb and Mourer-Chauvire, 1984:19). |
Unknown |
Aves |
Strigiformes |
Strigidae |
Tyto |
alba |
cf. affinis |
No |
OVPP Tyto 2 |
10178 |
7 - FLK North |
, ULNA-f
, CARMET-f |
I |
Brodkorb P., Mourer-Chauviré, C. 1984. Fossil owls from early man sites of Olduvai Gorge, Tanzania. Ostrich; Journal of African Ornithology 55:17-27. |
Authors do not specify specimen numbers. "Coracoid, 2 upper parts; ulna, 1 distal part; carpometacarpus, 5 distal parts;tibiotarsus, 1 distal part; tarsometatarsus, 1 proximal and 2 distal parts; 21 pedal phalanges" (Brodkorb and Mourer-Chauvire, 1984:23). "Place of conservation of the material: The fossils are currently on deposit at the University of Florida, Department of Zoology, and will later be returned to Tanzania" (Brodkorb and Mourer-Chauvire, 1984:19). |
Unknown |
Aves |
Strigiformes |
Strigidae |
Tyto |
alba |
cf. affinis |
No |
7446 |
3882 |
7 - FLK North |
I |
Zinjanthropus |
3 |
Petter, G. 1973. Carnivores Pleistocenes du ravin d’Olduvai (Tanzanie). Fossil vertebrates of Africa 3:43-100. |
Specimen is the anterior portion of the skull with teeth. Specimen is broken. |
Unknown |
Mammalia |
Carnivora |
Caniformia |
Cynoidea |
Canidae |
Canis |
mesomelas |
latirostris |
No |
7304 |
3883 |
7 - FLK North |
R-MAN, C, P, (n=4), M, (n=3) |
I |
Zinjanthropus |
3 |
Petter, G. 1973. Carnivores Pleistocenes du ravin d’Olduvai (Tanzanie). Fossil vertebrates of Africa 3:43-100. |
Specimen is a right mandible with canine to M3. |
Unknown |
Mammalia |
Carnivora |
Caniformia |
Cynoidea |
Canidae |
Canis |
mesomelas |
latirostris |
No |
OVPP-Canis 1 |
3889 |
7 - FLK North |
I |
Zinjanthropus |
3 |
Petter, G. 1973. Carnivores Pleistocenes du ravin d’Olduvai (Tanzanie). Fossil vertebrates of Africa 3:43-100. |
Author does not specify number of each element or whether any of the specimens are from the same individual. |
Unknown |
Mammalia |
Carnivora |
Caniformia |
Cynoidea |
Canidae |
Canis |
mesomelas |
latirostris |
No |