- Excavation/Discovery Date:
- 1960-2
- ID By:
- ID Date:
- Research Team:
- Repository:
- Bibilographic Information:
- Haarhoff, P.J. 1993. Latest Pliocene mousebirds (Aves, Coliidae) from Olduvai Gorge, Tanzania. Ann S Afr Mus. 103:191–211.
- Curatorial Notes:
- Right carpometacarpus lacking metacarpal III, metacarpal I, and posterior carpal trochlea. "The specimen numbers are catalogue numbers of the Olduvai fossil birds, and the data are kept at the Department of Zoology, University of Florida, Gainesville. The fossils belong to the Tanzanian Ministry of Antiquities, Dar es Salaam. They were collected by Mary Leakey in 1960-1962" (Haarhoff, 1993:193).
FLK NI 8031
- 10227
- Arch. Locality:
- 7 - FLK North
- Geo. Locality:
- Elements Preserved:
- Sediment/Matrix Adhering:
- Class:
- Aves
- Order:
- Coliiformes
- Suborder:
- Infraorder:
- Superfamily:
- Family:
- Coliidae
- Subfamily:
- Tribe:
- Genus:
- Colius
- Species:
- cf. striatus
- Subspecies:
- Taxonomic Notes:
- Taxonomic Problems:
- Bed:
- I
- Level:
- In Situ:
- Unknown
- Stratigraphic Horizon: