- Excavation/Discovery Date:
- ID By:
- ID Date:
- 2012/08/02
- Research Team:
- 264 - Leakey family expedition
- Repository:
- 122 - National Museum and House of Culture, Dar es Salaam, Tanzania
- Bibilographic Information:
- --
- Curatorial Notes:
- Fragment of frontal bone with superior portion of orbital rim and metopic suture remnant. Right supercilliary arch present, medial half of left arch also preserved. Specimen consist of two fragments found in the same bag. One has a different specimen number that was crossed out (OLD/63/5697 DK I II/I) but fragment joins with other (OLD 63/3037 DK I). Card in bag with specimen goes with OLD 63/3037 DK I (Medial portion of orbital rim of frontal).
OLD 63/3037 DK I
- 8207
- Arch. Locality:
- 24 - DK
- Geo. Locality:
- Elements Preserved:
- FRO-f
- Sediment/Matrix Adhering:
- Class:
- Mammalia
- Order:
- Primates
- Suborder:
- Anthropoidea
- Infraorder:
- Haplorhini
- Superfamily:
- Cercopithecoidea
- Family:
- Subfamily:
- Tribe:
- Genus:
- Species:
- Subspecies:
- Taxonomic Notes:
- Taxonomic Problems:
- Bed:
- I
- Level:
- In Situ:
- Unknown
- Stratigraphic Horizon: