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IMPORTANT NOTE: We have maintained the originally published taxonomic designation for each specimen despite the fact that many of these specimens have been reclassified since.  We chose to follow this protocol because of the difficulty in keeping up to date with all of the taxonomic groups, and our hesitancy to make a judgement call on taxonomic debates.  As such, please search the database with this in mind, perhaps using higher level taxonomic classifications for your query.

Search Results

978 specimens found
Image Spec # CODI Database ID Arch. Locality Geo. Locality Elements Preserved Excavation Date Repository Bed Level Stratigraphic Horizon Bibliographic Information Curatorial Notes ID By ID Date Research Team In Situ Sediment or Matrix Adhering Class Order Suborder Infraorder Superfamily Family Subfamily Tribe Genus Species Subspecies Taxonomic Notes Taxonomic Problems
M18783 3874 9 - THC CAR I -- All specimens for this paper are thought to be from one individual (MNI = 1). Each specimen has its own specimen number. This carpal is a lunate. Unknown Mammalia Perissodactyla Ceratomorpha Selenida Chalicotherioidea Chalicotheriidae Schizotheriinae Schizotheriini Ancylotherium hennigi No
M18785 3875 9 - THC CAR I All specimens for this paper are thought to be from one individual (MNI = 1). Each specimen has its own specimen number. This carpal is a scaphoid. Unknown Mammalia Perissodactyla Ceratomorpha Selenida Chalicotherioidea Chalicotheriidae Schizotheriinae Schizotheriini Ancylotherium hennigi Shows resemblance to A. pentelicum. No
M18784 3876 9 - THC CAR I Butler, P. M., 1965. Fossil Mammals of Africa No. 18. East African Miocene and Pleistocene Chalicotheres. Bulletin of the British Museum (Natural History) (Geology), 10: 163-23. All specimens for this paper are thought to be from one individual (MNI = 1). Each specimen has its own specimen number. This carpal is a cuneiform. Unknown Mammalia Perissodactyla Ceratomorpha Selenida Chalicotherioidea Chalicotheriidae Schizotheriinae Schizotheriini Ancylotherium hennigi No
M18786 3877 9 - THC MTC I All specimens for this paper are thought to be from one individual (MNI = 1). Each specimen has its own specimen number. This is the second metacarpal. Unknown Mammalia Perissodactyla Ceratomorpha Selenida Chalicotherioidea Chalicotheriidae Schizotheriinae Schizotheriini Ancylotherium hennigi No
M18782 3878 9 - THC MTC I All specimens for this paper are thought to be from one individual (MNI = 1). Each specimen has its own specimen number. This is the third metacarpal. Unknown Mammalia Perissodactyla Ceratomorpha Selenida Chalicotherioidea Chalicotheriidae Schizotheriinae Schizotheriini Ancylotherium hennigi No
7446 3882 7 - FLK North CRA-f, TOOTH I Zinjanthropus 3 Petter, G. 1973. Carnivores Pleistocenes du ravin d’Olduvai (Tanzanie). Fossil vertebrates of Africa 3:43-100. Specimen is the anterior portion of the skull with teeth. Specimen is broken. Unknown Mammalia Carnivora Caniformia Cynoidea Canidae Canis mesomelas latirostris No
7304 3883 7 - FLK North R-MAN, C, P, (n=4), M, (n=3) I Zinjanthropus 3 Petter, G. 1973. Carnivores Pleistocenes du ravin d’Olduvai (Tanzanie). Fossil vertebrates of Africa 3:43-100. Specimen is a right mandible with canine to M3. Unknown Mammalia Carnivora Caniformia Cynoidea Canidae Canis mesomelas latirostris No
OVPP-Canis 1 3889 7 - FLK North AST, CAL, MTP I Zinjanthropus 3 Petter, G. 1973. Carnivores Pleistocenes du ravin d’Olduvai (Tanzanie). Fossil vertebrates of Africa 3:43-100. Author does not specify number of each element or whether any of the specimens are from the same individual. Unknown Mammalia Carnivora Caniformia Cynoidea Canidae Canis mesomelas latirostris No
761 3890 7 - FLK North MAN, P, (n=5), M, (n=3), C I Petter, G. 1973. Carnivores Pleistocenes du ravin d’Olduvai (Tanzanie). Fossil vertebrates of Africa 3:43-100. Specimen is a left and right mandible with P3, M1 and C-M2. Unknown Mammalia Carnivora Caniformia Cynoidea Canidae Otocyon recki No
9317 3891 7 - FLK North MAN, P, (n=6), M, (n=2), C I Petter, G. 1973. Carnivores Pleistocenes du ravin d’Olduvai (Tanzanie). Fossil vertebrates of Africa 3:43-100. Specimen is a right and a left mandible with P3-M1 and C-M1. Unknown Mammalia Carnivora Caniformia Cynoidea Canidae Otocyon recki No
778 3896 6 - FLK NN L-MAN-f, M, C I Petter, G. 1973. Carnivores Pleistocenes du ravin d’Olduvai (Tanzanie). Fossil vertebrates of Africa 3:43-100. Specimen is a left mandible with M1 and C. Unknown Mammalia Carnivora Feliformia Herpestidae Herpestinae Herpestes debilis Author describes this specimen as a member of the subgenus "Galerella". Specimen is holotype. No
018 3903 7 - FLK North L-MAN, C I 4 Petter, G. 1973. Carnivores Pleistocenes du ravin d’Olduvai (Tanzanie). Fossil vertebrates of Africa 3:43-100. Specimen 6128 (molar) was found separately but determined to be from the same individual. Unknown Mammalia Carnivora Feliformia Herpestidae Herpestinae Ichneumia albicauda No
6128 3904 M, C, (n=2) I Petter, G. 1973. Carnivores Pleistocenes du ravin d’Olduvai (Tanzanie). Fossil vertebrates of Africa 3:43-100. Specimen was determined to be from the same individual as specimen 018. Unknown Mammalia Carnivora Feliformia Herpestidae Herpestinae Ichneumia albicauda No
762 3908 7 - FLK North L-MAN, P, (n=3), M, (n=2), C I 3 Petter, G. 1973. Carnivores Pleistocenes du ravin d’Olduvai (Tanzanie). Fossil vertebrates of Africa 3:43-100. Unknown Mammalia Carnivora Feliformia Herpestidae Herpestinae Mungos minutus No
OVPP-Zinjanthropus 10 3920 5 - FLK CRA-f I middle (Zinjanthropus) 22 feet below the upper limit of bed I. Leakey, LSB. 1960. Recent discoveries at Olduvai Gorge. Nature 188:1050-1052. Author describes specimen as "parts of the skull of a second individual," in reference to the first Z. boisei skull found at this site OH 5. 157 - L. Hlusko 264 - Leakey family expedition Unknown Mammalia Artiodactyla Ruminantia Bovoidea Bovidae No
G. 309 6559 5 - FLK NRCR-f, ETHM, SOCC 1960 104 - Unknown I Zinjanthropus (22) Greenwood, P., and Todd, E. 1970. Fish remains from Olduvai. In: Fossil Vertebrates of Africa,vol. 2 New York: Academic Press. pp. 225-241. At least 7 individuals are represented. 151 - Greenwood and Todd Unknown Actinopterygii Siluriformes Clariidae Clarias No
M18783 7635 9 - THC CAR I -- All specimens for this paper are thought to be from one individual (MNI = 1). Each specimen has its own specimen number. This carpal is a lunate. Unknown Mammalia Perissodactyla Ceratomorpha Selenida Chalicotherioidea Chalicotheriidae Schizotheriinae Schizotheriini Ancylotherium hennigi No
M18785 7636 9 - THC CAR I All specimens for this paper are thought to be from one individual (MNI = 1). Each specimen has its own specimen number. This carpal is a scaphoid. Unknown Mammalia Perissodactyla Ceratomorpha Selenida Chalicotherioidea Chalicotheriidae Schizotheriinae Schizotheriini Ancylotherium hennigi Shows resemblance to A. pentelicum. No
M18784 7637 9 - THC CAR I All specimens for this paper are thought to be from one individual (MNI = 1). Each specimen has its own specimen number. This carpal is a cuneiform. Unknown Mammalia Perissodactyla Ceratomorpha Selenida Chalicotherioidea Chalicotheriidae Schizotheriinae Schizotheriini Ancylotherium hennigi No
M18786 7638 9 - THC MTC I All specimens for this paper are thought to be from one individual (MNI = 1). Each specimen has its own specimen number. This is the second metacarpal. Unknown Mammalia Perissodactyla Ceratomorpha Selenida Chalicotherioidea Chalicotheriidae Schizotheriinae Schizotheriini Ancylotherium hennigi No
M18782 7639 9 - THC MTC I All specimens for this paper are thought to be from one individual (MNI = 1). Each specimen has its own specimen number. This is the third metacarpal. Unknown Mammalia Perissodactyla Ceratomorpha Selenida Chalicotherioidea Chalicotheriidae Schizotheriinae Schizotheriini Ancylotherium hennigi No
7446 7643 7 - FLK North CRA-f, TOOTH I Zinjanthropus 3 Petter, G. 1973. Carnivores Pleistocenes du ravin d’Olduvai (Tanzanie). Fossil vertebrates of Africa 3:43-100. Specimen is the anterior portion of the skull with teeth. Specimen is broken. Unknown Mammalia Carnivora Caniformia Cynoidea Canidae Canis mesomelas latirostris No
7304 7644 7 - FLK North R-MAN, C, P, (n=4), M, (n=3) I Zinjanthropus 3 Petter, G. 1973. Carnivores Pleistocenes du ravin d’Olduvai (Tanzanie). Fossil vertebrates of Africa 3:43-100. Specimen is a right mandible with canine to M3. Unknown Mammalia Carnivora Caniformia Cynoidea Canidae Canis mesomelas latirostris No
761 7651 7 - FLK North MAN, P, (n=5), M, (n=3), C I Petter, G. 1973. Carnivores Pleistocenes du ravin d’Olduvai (Tanzanie). Fossil vertebrates of Africa 3:43-100. Specimen is a left and right mandible with P3, M1 and C-M2. Unknown Mammalia Carnivora Caniformia Cynoidea Canidae Otocyon recki No
9317 7652 7 - FLK North MAN, P, (n=6), M, (n=2), C I Petter, G. 1973. Carnivores Pleistocenes du ravin d’Olduvai (Tanzanie). Fossil vertebrates of Africa 3:43-100. Specimen is a right and a left mandible with P3-M1 and C-M1. Unknown Mammalia Carnivora Caniformia Cynoidea Canidae Otocyon recki No
778 7657 6 - FLK NN L-MAN-f, M, C I Petter, G. 1973. Carnivores Pleistocenes du ravin d’Olduvai (Tanzanie). Fossil vertebrates of Africa 3:43-100. Specimen is a left mandible with M1 and C. Unknown Mammalia Carnivora Feliformia Herpestidae Herpestinae Herpestes debilis Author describes this specimen as a member of the subgenus "Galerella". Specimen is holotype. No
018 7664 7 - FLK North L-MAN, C I 4 Petter, G. 1973. Carnivores Pleistocenes du ravin d’Olduvai (Tanzanie). Fossil vertebrates of Africa 3:43-100. Specimen 6128 (molar) was found separately but determined to be from the same individual. Unknown Mammalia Carnivora Feliformia Herpestidae Herpestinae Ichneumia albicauda No
6128 7665 M, C, (n=2) I Petter, G. 1973. Carnivores Pleistocenes du ravin d’Olduvai (Tanzanie). Fossil vertebrates of Africa 3:43-100. Specimen was determined to be from the same individual as specimen 018. Unknown Mammalia Carnivora Feliformia Herpestidae Herpestinae Ichneumia albicauda No
762 7669 7 - FLK North L-MAN, P, (n=3), M, (n=2), C I 3 Petter, G. 1973. Carnivores Pleistocenes du ravin d’Olduvai (Tanzanie). Fossil vertebrates of Africa 3:43-100. Unknown Mammalia Carnivora Feliformia Herpestidae Herpestinae Mungos minutus No
OVPP-94 7772 R/L-HOR, R/L-FRLT, CRA-f 126 - Mary Leakey Camp, Antiquities Station Olduvai Gorge, Tanzania I Upper Claystone just below Tuff 1E. -- Partial skull with right and left frontlets and horn cores. Needs preparation. 157 - L. Hlusko 2012/6/29 253 - OVPP No Y Mammalia Artiodactyla Ruminantia Bovoidea Bovidae No
OVPP-307 7985 L-COR 126 - Mary Leakey Camp, Antiquities Station Olduvai Gorge, Tanzania I Lower 1 meter above Bed I lavas. -- Left coracoid 157 - L. Hlusko 2012/07/11 253 - OVPP No Aves No
OVPP-315 7993 C 126 - Mary Leakey Camp, Antiquities Station Olduvai Gorge, Tanzania I Lower 1 meter above Bed I lavas. -- Maxillary canine. 157 - L. Hlusko 2012/07/11 253 - OVPP No Mammalia Artiodactyla Suiformes Suoidea Suidae No
OVPP-322 8000 CAL 126 - Mary Leakey Camp, Antiquities Station Olduvai Gorge, Tanzania I Lower 1 meter above Bed I lavas. -- calcaneus 157 - L. Hlusko 2012/07/11 253 - OVPP No Mammalia Perissodactyla No
OVPP-324 8002 COR-f 126 - Mary Leakey Camp, Antiquities Station Olduvai Gorge, Tanzania I Lower 1 meter above Bed I lavas. -- Proximal coracoid 157 - L. Hlusko 2012/07/11 253 - OVPP No Aves No
OVPP-338 8016 C 126 - Mary Leakey Camp, Antiquities Station Olduvai Gorge, Tanzania I Upper 3 meters below Tuff 1F. -- canine. 157 - L. Hlusko 2012/07/11 253 - OVPP No Mammalia Artiodactyla Suiformes Suoidea Suidae No
OLD 61/2972 MPC I KNM 2.62 8079 CRA-f, FRO 122 - National Museum and House of Culture, Dar es Salaam, Tanzania I -- Cranial fragment,R? frontal bone pars orbitalis with sutures. 2012/07/25 264 - Leakey family expedition Unknown Mammalia Primates Anthropoidea Haplorhini Cercopithecoidea Cercopithecidae No
OLD 63/3038 DK1 8086 24 - DK L-C 122 - National Museum and House of Culture, Dar es Salaam, Tanzania I 2 Strip II -- Upper left canine. Female? Strip II 1/2. Cynocephalinae? 2012/07/26 264 - Leakey family expedition Unknown Mammalia Primates Anthropoidea Haplorhini Cercopithecoidea Cercopithecidae No
OLD 63/5510 DK I 8093 24 - DK CRA-f 122 - National Museum and House of Culture, Dar es Salaam, Tanzania I 2 Strip II -- Cranial fragment. Label in bag states "OLD 63/5509-5515" but 5511 is missing. 2012/07/26 264 - Leakey family expedition Unknown Mammalia Primates Anthropoidea Haplorhini Cercopithecoidea Cercopithecidae No
OLD 63/5509 DK I 8094 24 - DK CRA-f 122 - National Museum and House of Culture, Dar es Salaam, Tanzania I 2 Strip II -- Cranial fragment. Label in bag states "OLD 63/5509-5515" but 5511 is missing. 2012/07/26 264 - Leakey family expedition Unknown Mammalia Primates Anthropoidea Haplorhini Cercopithecoidea Cercopithecidae No
OLD 63/5513 DK I 8095 24 - DK CRA-f 122 - National Museum and House of Culture, Dar es Salaam, Tanzania I 2 Strip II -- Cranial fragment. Label in bag states "OLD 63/5509-5515" but 5511 is missing. 2012/07/26 264 - Leakey family expedition Unknown Mammalia Primates Anthropoidea Haplorhini Cercopithecoidea Cercopithecidae No