OH 6 |
3721 |
5 - FLK |
283 - 45 |
, M-f
, L-P
, L-TIB-f
, L-FIB-f
, |
1959/60 |
122 - National Museum and House of Culture, Dar es Salaam, Tanzania |
I |
Middle (Zinj.) |
Surface. Cranial and dental fragments found in surface soil from slope immediately below Zinj. site; assumed to be from Zinj. level (Leakey, MD, 1971:227). TIB-f and FIB-f from Zinj. level. |
Davis, P. R. 1964. Hominid fossils from Bed I, Olduvai Gorge, Tanganyika. A tibia and fibula. Nature. 201, 967. |
From Tobias (1991): OH 35 tibia and fibula attributed to same individual as OH 6 but appear to be more mature. It is unclear if OH 35 tibia and fibula are the same tibia and fibula originally listed under OH 6. Leakey, MD, 1971 describes CRA and dental fragments as having been found in surface soil, but Leakey, Tobias, and Napier, 1964 state "some [were] found in situ [and] some on the surface" (:9). Unworn lower L-P3. Partially developed roots of upper M1 or 2. Six cranial vault fragments. Tibia and fibula fragments first assumed to be associated with Zinjanthropus OH5, but should be considered associates with OH 6 following morphological study (Leakey, MD, 1971:227). and skull fragments. Juvenile. Specimen previously housed at National Museum of Kenya. |
264 - Leakey family expedition |
Unknown |
Mammalia |
Primates |
Anthropoidea |
Haplorhini |
Hominoidea |
Hominidae |
Homininae |
Hominini |
Homo |
habilis |
Paratype. TIB-f and FIB-f not given taxonomic designation in original publication (Davis, 1964) but named as a paratype in Leakey, Tobias, and Napier, 1964. |
No |
OH 66 |
3781 |
7 - FLK North |
R-P |
1998 |
127 - National Natural History Museum, Arusha, Tanzania |
I |
Upper |
Surface. |
Tooth is lower P4. Specimen is pictured on the far right in image 1. Specimen is pictured in bottom left in image 2. |
No |
Mammalia |
Primates |
Anthropoidea |
Haplorhini |
Hominoidea |
Hominidae |
Australopithecus |
boisei |
No |
OH 68 |
3783 |
18 - VEK |
Mand-f, R-P-f |
2001 |
127 - National Natural History Museum, Arusha, Tanzania |
II |
Lower |
Mandible fragment with unerupted P4 and root of M1.Specimen is pictured in the middle in image 1.Specimen is shown in the middle of the top row in image 2. |
Yes |
Mammalia |
Primates |
Anthropoidea |
Haplorhini |
Hominoidea |
Hominidae |
Australopithecus |
africanus |
OH 13-like |
No |
OH 69 |
3784 |
80 - MCK |
L-P |
2002 |
127 - National Natural History Museum, Arusha, Tanzania |
II |
Lower |
Lower P4.Specimen is pictured on left in image 1.Specimen is pictured on left in image 2. |
Yes |
Mammalia |
Primates |
Anthropoidea |
Haplorhini |
Hominoidea |
Hominidae |
Homininae |
Hominini |
Homo |
habilis |
sunsu lato |
No |
OH 7 |
3722 |
6 - FLK NN |
283 - 45 |
, R-PAR-f
, M
, OCC-f
, L/R-TEM-f
, CAR |
1960 |
122 - National Museum and House of Culture, Dar es Salaam, Tanzania |
I |
3 |
On surface of clay immediately overlying Tuff IB. |
Leakey, L.S.B., Tobias, P.V. & Napier, J.R. 1964. A new species of the genus Homo from Olduvai Gorge. Nature 202(4927): 7-9. |
Holotype. "Jonny's Child". Juvenile. Mandible with partial dentition and unerupted R/L-M3, almost complete left parietal and fragments of right parietal, left and right petrous portions (temporal) , "sundry small skull fragments ... [and] twenty-one bones of the hand, including the trapezium, scaphoid and a number of phalanges" (Leakey, MD, 1971:228). "One upper molar, a terminal phalanx, and a broken capitate bone, found on the surface, probably also belong to this individual" (:226). Specimen previously housed at National Museum of Kenya. |
264 - Leakey family expedition |
Yes |
Mammalia |
Primates |
Anthropoidea |
Haplorhini |
Hominoidea |
Hominidae |
Homininae |
Hominini |
Homo |
habilis |
Holotype |
No |
OH 73 |
3788 |
81 - HWK W |
L-P |
2006 |
127 - National Natural History Museum, Arusha, Tanzania |
I |
Upper |
Surface. |
Clarke, R.J. Published online 4 May 2012. A Homo habilis maxilla and other newly-discovered hominid fossils from Olduvai Gorge, Tanzania. Olduvai Special issue, JHE |
Left P3.Specimen is pictured third from the left bottom in image 1.Specimen is shown on left in image 2. |
No |
Mammalia |
Primates |
Anthropoidea |
Haplorhini |
Hominoidea |
Hominidae |
Homininae |
Hominini |
Homo |
habilis |
sensu stricto |
No |
OH 8 |
3723 |
6 - FLK NN |
283 - 45 |
, M-f |
1960 |
122 - National Museum and House of Culture, Dar es Salaam, Tanzania |
I |
3 |
Leakey MD. (1971) Olduvai Gorge, Vol. 3: excavations in Beds I & II 1960-1963. New York, NY: Cambridge University Press. |
The molar-f was found on the surface and "probably also belongs to OH 8" (Leakey MD, 1971:228). Twelve associated foot bones including astragalus (has carnivore tooth marks (Leakey MD, 1971), calcaneus, cuboid and navicular, cuneiforms 1- 3, proximal ends with shafts, five metatarsals. Proximal ends of one metacarpal and three finger phalanges. One radius shaft. Clavicle with damaged articular ends. Foot articulates "almost perfectly with the OH 35 leg" (Susman, 1983:372). |
130 - L.S.B. Leakey |
264 - Leakey family expedition |
Yes |
Mammalia |
Primates |
Anthropoidea |
Haplorhini |
Hominoidea |
Hominidae |
Homininae |
Hominini |
Homo |
habilis |
Paratype |
No |
OH 80 |
3796 |
10 - BK |
, L-M
, R/L-I
, L-HUM-f
, R-RAD-f
, R-FEM-f
, TIB-f |
2009 |
122 - National Museum and House of Culture, Dar es Salaam, Tanzania |
II |
4 |
Upper |
Domínguez-Rodrigo M, et al. 2013. First Partial Skeleton of a 1.34-Million-Year-Old Paranthropus boisei from Bed II, Olduvai Gorge, Tanzania. PLoS ONE 8(12): e80347. |
Distal portion of a left humerus diaphysis. Partial right radius with head, proximal metaphysis and partial diaphysis. Right partial femur, diaphysis in three refitting pieces. Tibia midshaft fragment assigned to OH 80 based on close "spatial association, comparable anatomical ruggedness and similar state of preservation to the other OH 80 postcranial fossils" (Dominiguez-Rodrigo et al., 2013). |
292 - Proyecto Olduvai |
Yes |
Mammalia |
Primates |
Anthropoidea |
Haplorhini |
Hominoidea |
Hominidae |
Homininae |
Hominini |
Australopithecus |
boisei |
Anatomically modern |
No |
OH 81 |
4021 |
19 - SHK |
R-PAR-f |
122 - National Museum and House of Culture, Dar es Salaam, Tanzania |
II |
Upper |
Lower portion. In overlying clay tuff. |
Dominguez-Rodrigo, M., Pickering, T.R., Diez-Martinm, F. et al. (2012) Earliest Porotic Hyperostosis on a 1.5-Million-Year-Old Hominin, Olduvai Gorge, Tanzania. PLoS ONE 7(10): e46414. doi:10.1371/jou |
2012/6/29 |
292 - Proyecto Olduvai |
Unknown |
Mammalia |
Primates |
Anthropoidea |
Haplorhini |
Hominoidea |
Hominidae |
No |
OLD 11613 |
10173 |
5 - FLK |
I |
Brodkorb P., Mourer-Chauviré, C. 1984. Fossil owls from early man sites of Olduvai Gorge, Tanzania. Ostrich; Journal of African Ornithology 55:17-27. |
Posterior phalanx 2 D II. "Place of conservation of the material: The fossils are currently on deposit at the University of Florida, Department of Zoology, and will later be returned to Tanzania" (Brodkorb and Mourer-Chauvire, 1984:19). Either from FLK N or FLK NN. Authors do not specify which of the four phalanges are from each locality, only that there are two from each. |
Unknown |
Aves |
Strigiformes |
Strigidae |
Bubo |
cf. lacteus |
No |
OLD 1472 |
3694 |
63 - JLK |
MAN, M, P |
1957 |
104 - Unknown |
IV |
Leakey, L., and Whitworth, T. 1958. Notes on the genus Simopithecus, with a description of a new species from Olduvai. |
This specimen is pictured in plate 4, figure 1; plate 5, figure 1; plate 6, figure 1; plate 8, plate 9, and plate 10. All descriptions of this specimen indicate that the pictured specimen is the holotype. In plate 4, however, the description reads female S. jonathani so it is unclear whether this is the same specimen or not. |
130 - L.S.B. Leakey |
264 - Leakey family expedition |
Unknown |
Mammalia |
Primates |
Anthropoidea |
Haplorhini |
Cercopithecoidea |
Cercopithecidae |
Cynocephalinae |
Simopithecus |
jonathani |
Holotype |
No |
OLD 15740 |
10156 |
6 - FLK NN |
I |
Layer 3 |
Brodkorb P., Mourer-Chauviré, C. 1984. Fossil owls from early man sites of Olduvai Gorge, Tanzania. Ostrich; Journal of African Ornithology 55:17-27. |
PARATYPE. "Paratypes: The following specimens are from layer 3 of locality FLK NNI and can be attributed to the same individual as the holotype: 15740, premaxillae; 3301, lower part of right coracoid. 15364 and 15473, proximal and distal parts of left femur; 16377, distal part of right femur; 15701, distal part of left tibiotarsus; 15776, left fibula; 16262, proximal part of right tarsometatarsus; 15730, distal part of left tarsometatarsus; 15942, 15946, 16050, 16171, 16174, 16176 to 16180, pedal phalanges. Place of conservation of the material: The fossils are currently on deposit at the University of Florida, Department of Zoology, and will later be returned to Tanzania" (Brodkorb and Mourer-Chauvire, 1984:17, 19). Image notes: (Scale = 2 cm) A-B: Left coracoid, holotype, OLD 15802, FLK NNI, layer 3, A anterior face, B posterior face. C: Right tarsometatarsus, proximal part, paratype, OLD 16262, FLK NNI, scree, anterior face. D: Left tarsometatarsus, distal part, paratype, OLD 15730, FLK NNI, layer 3, anterior face. E-F: Left femur, proximal half, paratype, OLD 15364, FLK NNI, layer 2+3, E anterior face, F POSterior face. G-H: Left femur, distal part, paratype, OLD 15473, FLK NNI, layer 3, G anterior face, H posterior face. I: Left tarsometatarsus, almost complete, OLD 11574, FLK NI, layer 1, anterior face. J-K: Left femur, lacking the distal part, OLD 11586, FLK NI, layer 2, J anterior face, K posterior face. |
Unknown |
Aves |
Strigiformes |
Strigidae |
Bubo |
leakeyae |
No |
OLD 15942 |
10164 |
6 - FLK NN |
I |
Layer 3 scree |
Brodkorb P., Mourer-Chauviré, C. 1984. Fossil owls from early man sites of Olduvai Gorge, Tanzania. Ostrich; Journal of African Ornithology 55:17-27. |
PARATYPE. Pedal phalanx. Distal portion of left tarsometatarsus. "Paratypes: The following specimens are from layer 3 of locality FLK NNI and can be attributed to the same individual as the holotype: 15740, premaxillae; 3301, lower part of right coracoid. 15364 and 15473, proximal and distal parts of left femur; 16377, distal part of right femur; 15701, distal part of left tibiotarsus; 15776, left fibula; 16262, proximal part of right tarsometatarsus; 15730, distal part of left tarsometatarsus; 15942, 15946, 16050, 16171, 16174, 16176 to 16180, pedal phalanges. Place of conservation of the material: The fossils are currently on deposit at the University of Florida, Department of Zoology, and will later be returned to Tanzania" (Brodkorb and Mourer-Chauvire, 1984:17, 19). Image notes: (Scale = 2 cm) A-B: Left coracoid, holotype, OLD 15802, FLK NNI, layer 3, A anterior face, B posterior face. C: Right tarsometatarsus, proximal part, paratype, OLD 16262, FLK NNI, scree, anterior face. D: Left tarsometatarsus, distal part, paratype, OLD 15730, FLK NNI, layer 3, anterior face. E-F: Left femur, proximal half, paratype, OLD 15364, FLK NNI, layer 2+3, E anterior face, F Posterior face. G-H: Left femur, distal part, paratype, OLD 15473, FLK NNI, layer 3, G anterior face, H posterior face. I: Left tarsometatarsus, almost complete, OLD 11574, FLK NI, layer 1, anterior face. J-K: Left femur, lacking the distal part, OLD 11586, FLK NI, layer 2, J anterior face, K posterior face. |
Unknown |
Aves |
Strigiformes |
Strigidae |
Bubo |
leakeyae |
No |
OLD 15946 |
10165 |
6 - FLK NN |
I |
Layer 3 scree |
Brodkorb P., Mourer-Chauviré, C. 1984. Fossil owls from early man sites of Olduvai Gorge, Tanzania. Ostrich; Journal of African Ornithology 55:17-27. |
PARATYPE. Pedal phalanx. Distal portion of left tarsometatarsus. "Paratypes: The following specimens are from layer 3 of locality FLK NNI and can be attributed to the same individual as the holotype: 15740, premaxillae; 3301, lower part of right coracoid. 15364 and 15473, proximal and distal parts of left femur; 16377, distal part of right femur; 15701, distal part of left tibiotarsus; 15776, left fibula; 16262, proximal part of right tarsometatarsus; 15730, distal part of left tarsometatarsus; 15942, 15946, 16050, 16171, 16174, 16176 to 16180, pedal phalanges. Place of conservation of the material: The fossils are currently on deposit at the University of Florida, Department of Zoology, and will later be returned to Tanzania" (Brodkorb and Mourer-Chauvire, 1984:17, 19). Image notes: (Scale = 2 cm) A-B: Left coracoid, holotype, OLD 15802, FLK NNI, layer 3, A anterior face, B posterior face. C: Right tarsometatarsus, proximal part, paratype, OLD 16262, FLK NNI, scree, anterior face. D: Left tarsometatarsus, distal part, paratype, OLD 15730, FLK NNI, layer 3, anterior face. E-F: Left femur, proximal half, paratype, OLD 15364, FLK NNI, layer 2+3, E anterior face, F Posterior face. G-H: Left femur, distal part, paratype, OLD 15473, FLK NNI, layer 3, G anterior face, H posterior face. I: Left tarsometatarsus, almost complete, OLD 11574, FLK NI, layer 1, anterior face. J-K: Left femur, lacking the distal part, OLD 11586, FLK NI, layer 2, J anterior face, K posterior face. |
Unknown |
Aves |
Strigiformes |
Strigidae |
Bubo |
leakeyae |
No |
OLD 16049 |
10174 |
5 - FLK |
I |
Brodkorb P., Mourer-Chauviré, C. 1984. Fossil owls from early man sites of Olduvai Gorge, Tanzania. Ostrich; Journal of African Ornithology 55:17-27. |
Posterior phalanx 3 D III. "Place of conservation of the material: The fossils are currently on deposit at the University of Florida, Department of Zoology, and will later be returned to Tanzania" (Brodkorb and Mourer-Chauvire, 1984:19). Either from FLK N or FLK NN. Authors do not specify which of the four phalanges are from each locality, only that there are two from each. |
Unknown |
Aves |
Strigiformes |
Strigidae |
Bubo |
cf. lacteus |
No |
OLD 16050 |
10166 |
6 - FLK NN |
I |
Layer 3 scree |
Brodkorb P., Mourer-Chauviré, C. 1984. Fossil owls from early man sites of Olduvai Gorge, Tanzania. Ostrich; Journal of African Ornithology 55:17-27. |
PARATYPE. Pedal phalanx. Distal portion of left tarsometatarsus. "Paratypes: The following specimens are from layer 3 of locality FLK NNI and can be attributed to the same individual as the holotype: 15740, premaxillae; 3301, lower part of right coracoid. 15364 and 15473, proximal and distal parts of left femur; 16377, distal part of right femur; 15701, distal part of left tibiotarsus; 15776, left fibula; 16262, proximal part of right tarsometatarsus; 15730, distal part of left tarsometatarsus; 15942, 15946, 16050, 16171, 16174, 16176 to 16180, pedal phalanges. Place of conservation of the material: The fossils are currently on deposit at the University of Florida, Department of Zoology, and will later be returned to Tanzania" (Brodkorb and Mourer-Chauvire, 1984:17, 19). Image notes: (Scale = 2 cm) A-B: Left coracoid, holotype, OLD 15802, FLK NNI, layer 3, A anterior face, B posterior face. C: Right tarsometatarsus, proximal part, paratype, OLD 16262, FLK NNI, scree, anterior face. D: Left tarsometatarsus, distal part, paratype, OLD 15730, FLK NNI, layer 3, anterior face. E-F: Left femur, proximal half, paratype, OLD 15364, FLK NNI, layer 2+3, E anterior face, F Posterior face. G-H: Left femur, distal part, paratype, OLD 15473, FLK NNI, layer 3, G anterior face, H posterior face. I: Left tarsometatarsus, almost complete, OLD 11574, FLK NI, layer 1, anterior face. J-K: Left femur, lacking the distal part, OLD 11586, FLK NI, layer 2, J anterior face, K posterior face. |
Unknown |
Aves |
Strigiformes |
Strigidae |
Bubo |
leakeyae |
No |
OLD 16171 |
10167 |
6 - FLK NN |
I |
Layer 3 scree |
Brodkorb P., Mourer-Chauviré, C. 1984. Fossil owls from early man sites of Olduvai Gorge, Tanzania. Ostrich; Journal of African Ornithology 55:17-27. |
PARATYPE. Pedal phalanx. Distal portion of left tarsometatarsus. "Paratypes: The following specimens are from layer 3 of locality FLK NNI and can be attributed to the same individual as the holotype: 15740, premaxillae; 3301, lower part of right coracoid. 15364 and 15473, proximal and distal parts of left femur; 16377, distal part of right femur; 15701, distal part of left tibiotarsus; 15776, left fibula; 16262, proximal part of right tarsometatarsus; 15730, distal part of left tarsometatarsus; 15942, 15946, 16050, 16171, 16174, 16176 to 16180, pedal phalanges. Place of conservation of the material: The fossils are currently on deposit at the University of Florida, Department of Zoology, and will later be returned to Tanzania" (Brodkorb and Mourer-Chauvire, 1984:17, 19). Image notes: (Scale = 2 cm) A-B: Left coracoid, holotype, OLD 15802, FLK NNI, layer 3, A anterior face, B posterior face. C: Right tarsometatarsus, proximal part, paratype, OLD 16262, FLK NNI, scree, anterior face. D: Left tarsometatarsus, distal part, paratype, OLD 15730, FLK NNI, layer 3, anterior face. E-F: Left femur, proximal half, paratype, OLD 15364, FLK NNI, layer 2+3, E anterior face, F Posterior face. G-H: Left femur, distal part, paratype, OLD 15473, FLK NNI, layer 3, G anterior face, H posterior face. I: Left tarsometatarsus, almost complete, OLD 11574, FLK NI, layer 1, anterior face. J-K: Left femur, lacking the distal part, OLD 11586, FLK NI, layer 2, J anterior face, K posterior face. |
Unknown |
Aves |
Strigiformes |
Strigidae |
Bubo |
leakeyae |
No |
OLD 16174 |
10168 |
6 - FLK NN |
I |
Layer 3 scree |
Brodkorb P., Mourer-Chauviré, C. 1984. Fossil owls from early man sites of Olduvai Gorge, Tanzania. Ostrich; Journal of African Ornithology 55:17-27. |
PARATYPE. Pedal phalanx. Distal portion of left tarsometatarsus. "Paratypes: The following specimens are from layer 3 of locality FLK NNI and can be attributed to the same individual as the holotype: 15740, premaxillae; 3301, lower part of right coracoid. 15364 and 15473, proximal and distal parts of left femur; 16377, distal part of right femur; 15701, distal part of left tibiotarsus; 15776, left fibula; 16262, proximal part of right tarsometatarsus; 15730, distal part of left tarsometatarsus; 15942, 15946, 16050, 16171, 16174, 16176 to 16180, pedal phalanges. Place of conservation of the material: The fossils are currently on deposit at the University of Florida, Department of Zoology, and will later be returned to Tanzania" (Brodkorb and Mourer-Chauvire, 1984:17, 19). Image notes: (Scale = 2 cm) A-B: Left coracoid, holotype, OLD 15802, FLK NNI, layer 3, A anterior face, B posterior face. C: Right tarsometatarsus, proximal part, paratype, OLD 16262, FLK NNI, scree, anterior face. D: Left tarsometatarsus, distal part, paratype, OLD 15730, FLK NNI, layer 3, anterior face. E-F: Left femur, proximal half, paratype, OLD 15364, FLK NNI, layer 2+3, E anterior face, F Posterior face. G-H: Left femur, distal part, paratype, OLD 15473, FLK NNI, layer 3, G anterior face, H posterior face. I: Left tarsometatarsus, almost complete, OLD 11574, FLK NI, layer 1, anterior face. J-K: Left femur, lacking the distal part, OLD 11586, FLK NI, layer 2, J anterior face, K posterior face. |
Unknown |
Aves |
Strigiformes |
Strigidae |
Bubo |
leakeyae |
No |
OLD 16176 |
10169 |
6 - FLK NN |
I |
Layer 3 scree |
Brodkorb P., Mourer-Chauviré, C. 1984. Fossil owls from early man sites of Olduvai Gorge, Tanzania. Ostrich; Journal of African Ornithology 55:17-27. |
PARATYPE. Pedal phalanx. Distal portion of left tarsometatarsus. "Paratypes: The following specimens are from layer 3 of locality FLK NNI and can be attributed to the same individual as the holotype: 15740, premaxillae; 3301, lower part of right coracoid. 15364 and 15473, proximal and distal parts of left femur; 16377, distal part of right femur; 15701, distal part of left tibiotarsus; 15776, left fibula; 16262, proximal part of right tarsometatarsus; 15730, distal part of left tarsometatarsus; 15942, 15946, 16050, 16171, 16174, 16176 to 16180, pedal phalanges. Place of conservation of the material: The fossils are currently on deposit at the University of Florida, Department of Zoology, and will later be returned to Tanzania" (Brodkorb and Mourer-Chauvire, 1984:17, 19). Image notes: (Scale = 2 cm) A-B: Left coracoid, holotype, OLD 15802, FLK NNI, layer 3, A anterior face, B posterior face. C: Right tarsometatarsus, proximal part, paratype, OLD 16262, FLK NNI, scree, anterior face. D: Left tarsometatarsus, distal part, paratype, OLD 15730, FLK NNI, layer 3, anterior face. E-F: Left femur, proximal half, paratype, OLD 15364, FLK NNI, layer 2+3, E anterior face, F Posterior face. G-H: Left femur, distal part, paratype, OLD 15473, FLK NNI, layer 3, G anterior face, H posterior face. I: Left tarsometatarsus, almost complete, OLD 11574, FLK NI, layer 1, anterior face. J-K: Left femur, lacking the distal part, OLD 11586, FLK NI, layer 2, J anterior face, K posterior face. |
Unknown |
Aves |
Strigiformes |
Strigidae |
Bubo |
leakeyae |
No |
OLD 16180 |
10170 |
6 - FLK NN |
I |
Layer 3 scree |
Brodkorb P., Mourer-Chauviré, C. 1984. Fossil owls from early man sites of Olduvai Gorge, Tanzania. Ostrich; Journal of African Ornithology 55:17-27. |
PARATYPE. Pedal phalanx. Distal portion of left tarsometatarsus. "Paratypes: The following specimens are from layer 3 of locality FLK NNI and can be attributed to the same individual as the holotype: 15740, premaxillae; 3301, lower part of right coracoid. 15364 and 15473, proximal and distal parts of left femur; 16377, distal part of right femur; 15701, distal part of left tibiotarsus; 15776, left fibula; 16262, proximal part of right tarsometatarsus; 15730, distal part of left tarsometatarsus; 15942, 15946, 16050, 16171, 16174, 16176 to 16180, pedal phalanges. Place of conservation of the material: The fossils are currently on deposit at the University of Florida, Department of Zoology, and will later be returned to Tanzania" (Brodkorb and Mourer-Chauvire, 1984:17, 19). Image notes: (Scale = 2 cm) A-B: Left coracoid, holotype, OLD 15802, FLK NNI, layer 3, A anterior face, B posterior face. C: Right tarsometatarsus, proximal part, paratype, OLD 16262, FLK NNI, scree, anterior face. D: Left tarsometatarsus, distal part, paratype, OLD 15730, FLK NNI, layer 3, anterior face. E-F: Left femur, proximal half, paratype, OLD 15364, FLK NNI, layer 2+3, E anterior face, F Posterior face. G-H: Left femur, distal part, paratype, OLD 15473, FLK NNI, layer 3, G anterior face, H posterior face. I: Left tarsometatarsus, almost complete, OLD 11574, FLK NI, layer 1, anterior face. J-K: Left femur, lacking the distal part, OLD 11586, FLK NI, layer 2, J anterior face, K posterior face. |
Unknown |
Aves |
Strigiformes |
Strigidae |
Bubo |
leakeyae |
No |
OLD 1955/196 BK II |
8055 |
10 - BK |
1955 |
122 - National Museum and House of Culture, Dar es Salaam, Tanzania |
II |
-- |
Packed in National Museum in Nairobi, Kenya in box 188 or 189 labeled "Cercopithecidae" for transport to National Museum of History, Dar es Salaam, Tanzania. Phalanx. |
2012/7/23 |
264 - Leakey family expedition |
Unknown |
Mammalia |
Primates |
Anthropoidea |
Haplorhini |
Cercopithecoidea |
Cercopithecidae |
No |
OLD 1957/1139 SHK II |
8060 |
19 - SHK |
P |
1957 |
122 - National Museum and House of Culture, Dar es Salaam, Tanzania |
II |
Upper |
-- |
Packed in National Museum in Nairobi, Kenya in box 188 or 189 labeled "Cercopithecidae" for transport to National Museum of History, Dar es Salaam, Tanzania. Worn lower P4.In BM loan collection. |
2012/07/23 |
264 - Leakey family expedition |
Unknown |
Mammalia |
Primates |
Anthropoidea |
Haplorhini |
Cercopithecoidea |
Cercopithecidae |
No |
OLD 1957/622 SHK II |
8208 |
19 - SHK |
L-MAX-f, P, M |
122 - National Museum and House of Culture, Dar es Salaam, Tanzania |
II |
-- |
Fragment of left maxilla with third and forth premolar and first molar. In BM loan collection. Card in bag with specimen states "Canine socket suggests male". |
2012/08/03 |
264 - Leakey family expedition |
Unknown |
Mammalia |
Primates |
Anthropoidea |
Haplorhini |
Cercopithecoidea |
No |
OLD 1960 F200 |
3714 |
5 - FLK |
R-MAN-f, d-P, M |
1960 |
105 - National Museum and House of Culture, Dar es Salaam, Tanzania (?) |
I |
Harris, J. M., Solounias, N., and Geraads, D. 2010. Giraffoidea. Werdelin, L., Sanders, W. J., eds. In: Cenozoic Mammals of Africa. London: University of California Press. pp. 393-428. |
Original information indicated that this specimen was located in Nairobi. This specimen is likely within the material that was repatriated to Dar in 2011, but this has yet to be confirmed. |
155 - Harris, Solounias, and Geraads |
264 - Leakey family expedition |
Unknown |
Mammalia |
Artiodactyla |
Ruminantia |
Giraffoidea |
Giraffidae |
Giraffinae |
Giraffini |
Giraffa |
pygmaea |
Paratype |
No |
OLD 1960 S.42 HWK II |
8050 |
11 - HWK |
L-MAN-f, P, M |
1960 |
122 - National Museum and House of Culture, Dar es Salaam, Tanzania |
II |
-- |
Packed in National Museum in Nairobi, Kenya in box 188 or 189 labeled "Cercopithecidae" for transport to National Museum of History, Dar es Salaam, Tanzania.Emclosed card found with specimen states "Pleistocene Spec: Frag lt. mandible with PM3-4 and MI." |
2012/7/20 |
264 - Leakey family expedition |
Unknown |
Mammalia |
Primates |
Anthropoidea |
Haplorhini |
Cercopithecoidea |
No |
OLD 1962 067/5608 MCK II Simo. Lt.Max |
8167 |
80 - MCK |
L-MAX, P-f, M |
122 - National Museum and House of Culture, Dar es Salaam, Tanzania |
II |
-- |
Left maxilla with fourth premolar (roots) and first molar to third molar. |
2012/07/31 |
264 - Leakey family expedition |
Unknown |
Mammalia |
Primates |
Anthropoidea |
Haplorhini |
Cercopithecoidea |
Cercopithecidae |
Cynocephalinae |
Simopithecus |
No |
OLD 61 067/4072 MPC I DK I |
8237 |
24 - DK |
122 - National Museum and House of Culture, Dar es Salaam, Tanzania |
I |
Surface |
-- |
Phalanx. Pleistocene. |
2012/08/06 |
264 - Leakey family expedition |
Unknown |
Mammalia |
Primates |
Anthropoidea |
Haplorhini |
Cercopithecoidea |
No |
OLD 61/5170 OKIB + SCREE |
8087 |
24 - DK |
L-MAX-f, P, M |
122 - National Museum and House of Culture, Dar es Salaam, Tanzania |
I |
-- |
Fragment of left maxilla with PM 4 and M1-3. Pleistocene. |
2012/07/26 |
264 - Leakey family expedition |
Unknown |
Mammalia |
Primates |
Anthropoidea |
Haplorhini |
Cercopithecoidea |
Cercopithecidae |
No |
OLD 62/1101 DK 1A L/2 |
8085 |
24 - DK |
L-P |
122 - National Museum and House of Culture, Dar es Salaam, Tanzania |
I |
2 |
-- |
Left lower PM4. Cynocephalinae? Enlcosed note with specimen states "OLD '62 DK 1A 1101". Pleistocene. |
2012/07/26 |
264 - Leakey family expedition |
Unknown |
Mammalia |
Primates |
Anthropoidea |
Haplorhini |
Cercopithecoidea |
Cercopithecidae |
No |
OLD 62/283 DK IB L/2 |
8103 |
24 - DK |
L-MAN-f, P, M |
122 - National Museum and House of Culture, Dar es Salaam, Tanzania |
I |
2 |
-- |
Left mandible fragment with lower P3 - M1. Same individual as 3050. |
2012/07/26 |
264 - Leakey family expedition |
Unknown |
Mammalia |
Primates |
Anthropoidea |
Haplorhini |
Cercopithecoidea |
Cercopithecidae |
Cynocephalinae |
Simopithecus |
No |
OLD 63 DKI II/4 3050 |
8083 |
24 - DK |
R-MAN, P, M |
122 - National Museum and House of Culture, Dar es Salaam, Tanzania |
-- |
Right mandibular corpus with P3-M3. Probably same individual as 283. Genus indeterminate. Simopithecus? |
2012/07/25 |
264 - Leakey family expedition |
Unknown |
Mammalia |
Primates |
Anthropoidea |
Haplorhini |
Cercopithecoidea |
Cercopithecidae |
No |
OLD 63/158 DK I KNM 2.063 |
8101 |
24 - DK |
122 - National Museum and House of Culture, Dar es Salaam, Tanzania |
I |
2 |
Strip I |
-- |
Phalanx. |
2012/07/26 |
264 - Leakey family expedition |
Unknown |
Mammalia |
Primates |
Anthropoidea |
Haplorhini |
Cercopithecoidea |
Cercopithecidae |
No |
OLD 68/S.9 opp. S.C. IV S ? IV. C KNM 2.4.3 |
8066 |
22 - SC |
CRA-f, R-ZYG-f, L/R-MAX, R/L-M, R/L-P, R/L-C-f |
1968 |
122 - National Museum and House of Culture, Dar es Salaam, Tanzania |
IV |
Surface? |
-- |
Packed in National Museum in Nairobi, Kenya in box 188 or 189 labeled "Cercopithecidae" for transport to National Museum of History, Dar es Salaam, Tanzania. Partial cranium: Left and right maxillae and right zygomatic fragment present. Right and left M1-3, P 3-4, and canines present. Crown of left canine broken off. Only root of right canine is preserved. Incisors not preserved. Left M3 crown broken off. Buccal side of left M2 crown broken off. Distal portion of buccal side of left M1 crown broken off. Needs preparation. |
2012/07/23 |
264 - Leakey family expedition |
Unknown |
Y |
Mammalia |
Primates |
Anthropoidea |
Haplorhini |
Cercopithecoidea |
Cercopithecidae |
No |
OLD 69/S. 133 DC |
8071 |
30 - DC |
MAX, ZYG, R/L-I, L-C, R/L-P, R/L-M |
1969 |
122 - National Museum and House of Culture, Dar es Salaam, Tanzania |
-- |
Maxilla with left I2-M3, left I1 is absent. Right I1-2 present. Roots of right P3-4, M1-2 present, some partially so. Right palatine is almost complete. Fragments of right and left zygomatics present, left zygomatic includes arch. Card in bag with specimen does not match specimen. Packed in National Museum in Nairobi, Kenya in box 188 or 189 labeled "Cercopithecidae" for transport to National Museum of History, Dar es Salaam, Tanzania. |
2012/07/23 |
264 - Leakey family expedition |
Unknown |
Mammalia |
Primates |
Anthropoidea |
Haplorhini |
Cercopithecoidea |
Cercopithecidae |
No |
OLD-1 |
12394 |
70 - EHK |
2 RIB (proximal); PHX |
114 - Natural History Museum UK |
I |
-- |
OLD-1; EHK I S |
264 - Leakey family expedition |
Unknown |
Mammalia |
Rodentia |
Yes |
OLD-100 |
12206 |
114 - Natural History Museum UK |
-- |
OLD-100 |
Unknown |
Mammalia |
Artiodactyla |
Giraffidae |
Yes |
OLD-1006 |
12207 |
MTP-f |
114 - Natural History Museum UK |
-- |
OLD-1006; metapodial distal end fragment |
Unknown |
Mammalia |
Artiodactyla |
Bovidae |
Yes |
OLD-1035 |
12268 |
SCP-f |
114 - Natural History Museum UK |
-- |
OLD-1035; humerus distal end fragment; may all be from Bed IV. See strat info for OLD-1558 |
Unknown |
Mammalia |
Artiodactyla |
Bovidae |
Yes |
OLD-1036 |
12269 |
SCP-f |
114 - Natural History Museum UK |
-- |
OLD-1036; humerus distal end fragment; may all be from Bed IV. See strat info for OLD-1558 |
Unknown |
Mammalia |
Artiodactyla |
Bovidae |
Yes |
OLD-1037 |
12270 |
SCP-f |
114 - Natural History Museum UK |
-- |
OLD-1037; humerus distal end fragment; may all be from Bed IV. See strat info for OLD-1558 |
Unknown |
Mammalia |
Artiodactyla |
Bovidae |
Yes |