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IMPORTANT NOTE: We have maintained the originally published taxonomic designation for each specimen despite the fact that many of these specimens have been reclassified since.  We chose to follow this protocol because of the difficulty in keeping up to date with all of the taxonomic groups, and our hesitancy to make a judgement call on taxonomic debates.  As such, please search the database with this in mind, perhaps using higher level taxonomic classifications for your query.

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1690 specimens found
Image Spec # CODI Database ID Arch. Locality Geo. Locality Elements Preserved Excavation Date Repository Bed Level Stratigraphic Horizon Bibliographic Information Curatorial Notes ID By ID Date Research Team In Situ Sediment or Matrix Adhering Class Order Suborder Infraorder Superfamily Family Subfamily Tribe Genus Species Subspecies Taxonomic Notes Taxonomic Problems
OVPP-Crossarchus 1 88 6 - FLK NN R-MAN, R-P, R-M 104 - Unknown I middle 3 Leakey LSB. 1965. Olduvai Gorge 1951-1961, Volume 1: Fauna and Background. New York, NY: Cambridge University Press. 130 - L.S.B. Leakey 264 - Leakey family expedition Unknown Mammalia Carnivora Feliformia Viverridae Crossarchus No
OVPP-Genetta 4 89 6 - FLK NN L-MAN, L-P, L-d-P 104 - Unknown I middle 3 Leakey LSB. 1965. Olduvai Gorge 1951-1961, Volume 1: Fauna and Background. New York, NY: Cambridge University Press. 130 - L.S.B. Leakey 264 - Leakey family expedition Yes Mammalia Carnivora Feliformia Viverridae Viverrinae Genetta No
OVPP-Elephas 2 91 8 - MK MAN, C, M, I, P 104 - Unknown I lower Leakey LSB. 1965. Olduvai Gorge 1951-1961, Volume 1: Fauna and Background. New York, NY: Cambridge University Press. Several other specimens found at this site in Bed I but probably fell from Bed II. 130 - L.S.B. Leakey 264 - Leakey family expedition Unknown Specimen was "embedded in matrix." Mammalia Proboscidea Tethytheria Behemota Elephantoidea Elephantidae Elephas africanavus No
OVPP-Ancylotherium 1 98 9 - THC FPX 104 - Unknown I Leakey LSB. 1965. Olduvai Gorge 1951-1961, Volume 1: Fauna and Background. New York, NY: Cambridge University Press. Several foot bones are indicated but not described. 136 - P. M. Butler 264 - Leakey family expedition Unknown Mammalia Perissodactyla Ceratomorpha Selenida Chalicotherioidea Chalicotheriidae Schizotheriinae Schizotheriini Ancylotherium hennigi No
G. 356 102 5 - FLK MAN, L/R-P, L/R-M, L/R-C, L/R-I 1960 104 - Unknown I middle (Zinjanthropus) 22 feet below the upper limit of bed I. Leakey LSB. 1965. Olduvai Gorge 1951-1961, Volume 1: Fauna and Background. New York, NY: Cambridge University Press. This specimen is pictured in plate 23. 130 - L.S.B. Leakey 264 - Leakey family expedition Yes Mammalia Artiodactyla Suiformes Suoidea Suidae Suinae Suini Promesochoerus mukiri Holotype No
FLK N I 1235 105 7 - FLK North CRA, MAX, P, M 1961 104 - Unknown I upper 5 Leakey LSB. 1965. Olduvai Gorge 1951-1961, Volume 1: Fauna and Background. New York, NY: Cambridge University Press. This specimen is pictured in plate 25. It is the same individual as FLK N I 1236. The specimen is crushed. 130 - L.S.B. Leakey 264 - Leakey family expedition Unknown Mammalia Artiodactyla Suiformes Suoidea Suidae Suinae Suini Ectopotamochoerus dubius Holotype No
FLK N I 1236 106 7 - FLK North MAN, P, M 1961 104 - Unknown I upper 6 Leakey LSB. 1965. Olduvai Gorge 1951-1961, Volume 1: Fauna and Background. New York, NY: Cambridge University Press. FLK N I 1235 and 1236 are two parts of the same individual and are both considered the holotype. 130 - L.S.B. Leakey 264 - Leakey family expedition Unknown Mammalia Artiodactyla Suiformes Suoidea Suidae Suinae Suini Ectopotamochoerus dubius Holotype No
FLK NN I 177/1960 107 6 - FLK NN CRA, MAX, P, M, C 1960 105 - National Museum and House of Culture, Dar es Salaam, Tanzania (?) I middle 3 Leakey LSB. 1965. Olduvai Gorge 1951-1961, Volume 1: Fauna and Background. New York, NY: Cambridge University Press. This specimen is pictured in plate 28. This skull is "very crushed."Original information indicated that this specimen was located in Nairobi. This specimen is likely within the material that was repatriated to Dar in 2011, but this has yet to be confirmed. 130 - L.S.B. Leakey 264 - Leakey family expedition Unknown Mammalia Artiodactyla Suiformes Suoidea Suidae Suinae Suini Potamochoerus intermedius Holotype No
FLK N I 335 108 7 - FLK North R-MAN , R-P , R-M , R-C 1960 104 - Unknown I upper 1, 2, 3 Leakey LSB. 1965. Olduvai Gorge 1951-1961, Volume 1: Fauna and Background. New York, NY: Cambridge University Press. Specimen consists of a right mandible that is missing incisors. 130 - L.S.B. Leakey 264 - Leakey family expedition Yes Mammalia Artiodactyla Suiformes Suoidea Suidae Tetraconodontinae Notochoerus euilus Holotype. At the time of publication, it was considered along with FLK N I 441 to be the holotype of N. eulius. No
OVPP-Tapinochoerus 1 110 5 - FLK R-MAN, R-P, R-M 1959 104 - Unknown I middle (Zinjanthropus) 22 feet below the upper limit of bed I. Leakey LSB. 1965. Olduvai Gorge 1951-1961, Volume 1: Fauna and Background. New York, NY: Cambridge University Press. This specimen is pictured in plate 30. 130 - L.S.B. Leakey 264 - Leakey family expedition Unknown Mammalia Artiodactyla Suiformes Suoidea Suidae Suinae Phacochoerini Tapinochoerus sp. No
M. 21466 116 MAN, P, M 106 - Natural History Museum UK (?) II, IV Leakey LSB. 1965. Olduvai Gorge 1951-1961, Volume 1: Fauna and Background. New York, NY: Cambridge University Press. This specimen is pictured in plates 36 and 37. The author indicates this species is well represented in Beds 2 and 4, suggesting other materials may be available in the BMNH. 130 - L.S.B. Leakey 264 - Leakey family expedition Unknown Mammalia Artiodactyla Ruminantia Giraffoidea Giraffidae Giraffinae Giraffini Giraffa jumae Holotype No
M. 21461 118 13 - RK CRA, R/L-HOR, R-I, R-P, R-M 1931 106 - Natural History Museum UK (?) II upper Leakey LSB. 1965. Olduvai Gorge 1951-1961, Volume 1: Fauna and Background. New York, NY: Cambridge University Press. This specimen is pictured in plates 38 and 39. 130 - L.S.B. Leakey 264 - Leakey family expedition Yes Mammalia Artiodactyla Ruminantia Bovoidea Bovidae Bovinae Strepsicerotini Strepsiceros grandis Holotype. Gentry and Gentry (1978) reclassified this specimen as Tragelaphus strepsiceros grandis. No
579/1957 133 19 - SHK FRO-f, PAR-f, R-HOR 1957 105 - National Museum and House of Culture, Dar es Salaam, Tanzania (?) II Leakey LSB. 1965. Olduvai Gorge 1951-1961, Volume 1: Fauna and Background. New York, NY: Cambridge University Press. Original information indicated that this specimen was located in Nairobi. This specimen is likely within the material that was repatriated to Dar in 2011, but this has yet to be confirmed. 130 - L.S.B. Leakey 264 - Leakey family expedition No Mammalia Artiodactyla Ruminantia Bovoidea Bovidae Reduncinae Reduncini Kobus sp. No
M. 21447 181 23 - TK CRA, L/R-MAX-f, L-HOR, L/R-P, L/R-M, L/R-I 1931 106 - Natural History Museum UK (?) III, IV 4 feet below Masek Beds Leakey LSB. 1965. Olduvai Gorge 1951-1961, Volume 1: Fauna and Background. New York, NY: Cambridge University Press. This neotype specimen is pictured in plates 81 and 82. The original holotype of M. kattwinkelli (VI-1099) was lost in WWII in Munich. 130 - L.S.B. Leakey 264 - Leakey family expedition Unknown Mammalia Artiodactyla Ruminantia Bovoidea Bovidae Alcelaphinae Alcelaphini Xenocephalus kattwinkelli Neotype - This specimen was reclassified by Gentry and Gentry (1978) as Megalotragus kattwinkeli. No
FLK N I 6334 195 7 - FLK North PAL, L/R-HOR 1960 105 - National Museum and House of Culture, Dar es Salaam, Tanzania (?) I upper Leakey LSB. 1965. Olduvai Gorge 1951-1961, Volume 1: Fauna and Background. New York, NY: Cambridge University Press. Original information indicated that this specimen was located in Nairobi. This specimen is likely within the material that was repatriated to Dar in 2011, but this has yet to be confirmed. 139 - B. Cooke 264 - Leakey family expedition Yes Mammalia Artiodactyla Ruminantia Bovoidea Bovidae Antilopinae Antilopini Gazella This specimen was reclassified by Gentry and Gentry (1978) as Antidorcas recki. No
M. 21460/OR-NR VIII 343 205 CRA, MAX, HOR, M, P 1913 109 - BSPG, Munich, Germany(?)/ NHM UK(?) Leakey LSB. 1965. Olduvai Gorge 1951-1961, Volume 1: Fauna and Background. New York, NY: Cambridge University Press. This holotype was collected by Reck in 1913 and is housed in the Munich Museum, registered as OR-NR VIII 343. The BMNH number, M. 21460 is for the cast and is shown in plate 87. Locality was not provided by the author. 137 - A. Gentry 273 - Reck expedition Unknown Mammalia Artiodactyla Ruminantia Bovoidea Bovidae Antilopinae Antilopini Gazella Holotype - This specimen was reclassified as Antidorcas recki by Gentry and Gentry (1978). No
M. 14688 215 SKULL, L-HOR, M, P 1931 106 - Natural History Museum UK (?) II Leakey LSB. 1965. Olduvai Gorge 1951-1961, Volume 1: Fauna and Background. New York, NY: Cambridge University Press. This specimen is pictured in plates 93 and 94. It was found in the 1931-1932 field season. The locality was not provided. 293 - A.T. Hopwood 264 - Leakey family expedition Unknown "pebbly and consolidated sandy matrix of dark colour" Mammalia Artiodactyla Ruminantia Bovoidea Bovidae Caprinae Caprini Pultiphagonides africanus Holotype - This specimen was reclassified as Connochaetes africanus by Gentry and Gentry (1978). No
FLK I/E-G 394 1 5 - FLK L-RAM, L-P, L-M 104 - Unknown I middle (Zinjanthropus) 22 feet below the upper limit of bed I. Leakey LSB. 1965. Olduvai Gorge 1951-1961, Volume 1: Fauna and Background. New York, NY: Cambridge University Press. 130 - L.S.B. Leakey 264 - Leakey family expedition Yes Mammalia Primates Strepsirrhini Lorisiformes Galagidae Galago senegalensis No
BK II 1953.067/5230 705 10 - BK R-M, R-P 1953 104 - Unknown II Gentry, A. W., and Gentry, A. 1978. Fossil Bovidae (Mammalia) of Olduvai Gorge, Tanzania. Part I. Bulletin of the British Museum (Natural History): Geology 29:289-446. This specimen is pictured in plate 1, figure 4. 137 - A. Gentry Unknown Mammalia Artiodactyla Ruminantia Bovoidea Bovidae Bovinae Bovini Syncerus acoelotus No
OVPP-Pelorovis 86 752 27 - MNK I?, M?, P? 104 - Unknown II Gentry, A. W., and Gentry, A. 1978. Fossil Bovidae (Mammalia) of Olduvai Gorge, Tanzania. Part I. Bulletin of the British Museum (Natural History): Geology 29:289-446. The author states that teeth have been found at MNK but does not indicate which type(s) of teeth have been found. 137 - A. Gentry Unknown Mammalia Artiodactyla Ruminantia Bovoidea Bovidae Bovinae Bovini Pelorovis oldowayensis No
M. 29460 755 L-MAN-f, L-P, L-M 1931 106 - Natural History Museum UK (?) III Gentry, A. W., and Gentry, A. 1978. Fossil Bovidae (Mammalia) of Olduvai Gorge, Tanzania. Part I. Bulletin of the British Museum (Natural History): Geology 29:289-446. The authors are uncertain of the excavation year but "III" is written on the fossil in yellow ink, which was characteristic of 1931 fossils. 137 - A. Gentry Unknown Mammalia Artiodactyla Ruminantia Bovoidea Bovidae Bovinae Bovini Pelorovis oldowayensis No
OF 68.274 762 43 - Bos K SKULL, HOR, M, P 1962 122 - National Museum and House of Culture, Dar es Salaam, Tanzania III, IV Gentry, A. W., and Gentry, A. 1978. Fossil Bovidae (Mammalia) of Olduvai Gorge, Tanzania. Part I. Bulletin of the British Museum (Natural History): Geology 29:289-446. This specimen is from a juvenile. It is the same individual as the horn core OF 68.205. 137 - A. Gentry 264 - Leakey family expedition No Mammalia Artiodactyla Ruminantia Bovoidea Bovidae Bovinae Bovini Syncerus acoelotus No
OVPP-Syncerus 2 766 46 - JK 2 M?, I?, P? 104 - Unknown III Gentry, A. W., and Gentry, A. 1978. Fossil Bovidae (Mammalia) of Olduvai Gorge, Tanzania. Part I. Bulletin of the British Museum (Natural History): Geology 29:289-446. 137 - A. Gentry Unknown Mammalia Artiodactyla Ruminantia Bovoidea Bovidae Bovinae Bovini Syncerus acoelotus The authors describe teeth but not specifically which type(s) of teeth that are more likely to be from S. acoelotus than P. antiquus. No
OVPP-Syncerus 3 767 10 - BK M?, I?, P? 104 - Unknown II Gentry, A. W., and Gentry, A. 1978. Fossil Bovidae (Mammalia) of Olduvai Gorge, Tanzania. Part I. Bulletin of the British Museum (Natural History): Geology 29:289-446. The authors discuss teeth found at BK II but does not specifically describe which type(s) of teeth are found. 137 - A. Gentry Unknown Mammalia Artiodactyla Ruminantia Bovoidea Bovidae Bovinae Bovini Syncerus acoelotus The authors describe these specimens as being smaller than P. oldowayensis. No
1963.2717 768 P 1963 104 - Unknown Gentry, A. W., and Gentry, A. 1978. Fossil Bovidae (Mammalia) of Olduvai Gorge, Tanzania. Part I. Bulletin of the British Museum (Natural History): Geology 29:289-446. 137 - A. Gentry Unknown Mammalia Artiodactyla Ruminantia Bovoidea Bovidae Bovinae Bovini Syncerus acoelotus No
1963.2765 769 10 - BK MAN, P, M 1963 104 - Unknown Gentry, A. W., and Gentry, A. 1978. Fossil Bovidae (Mammalia) of Olduvai Gorge, Tanzania. Part I. Bulletin of the British Museum (Natural History): Geology 29:289-446. 137 - A. Gentry Unknown Mammalia Artiodactyla Ruminantia Bovoidea Bovidae Bovinae Bovini Syncerus acoelotus No
OVPP-Syncerus 4 771 24 - DK I?, P?, M? 104 - Unknown I Gentry, A. W., and Gentry, A. 1978. Fossil Bovidae (Mammalia) of Olduvai Gorge, Tanzania. Part I. Bulletin of the British Museum (Natural History): Geology 29:289-446. Authors mention "teeth" found here. 137 - A. Gentry Unknown Mammalia Artiodactyla Ruminantia Bovoidea Bovidae Bovinae Bovini Syncerus sp. No
OVPP-Syncerus 5 772 7 - FLK North I?, P?, M? 104 - Unknown I Gentry, A. W., and Gentry, A. 1978. Fossil Bovidae (Mammalia) of Olduvai Gorge, Tanzania. Part I. Bulletin of the British Museum (Natural History): Geology 29:289-446. Authors mention "teeth" found here. 137 - A. Gentry Unknown Mammalia Artiodactyla Ruminantia Bovoidea Bovidae Bovinae Bovini Syncerus sp. No
OVPP-Syncerus 6 773 14 - HWK E I?, P?, M? 104 - Unknown I, II Gentry, A. W., and Gentry, A. 1978. Fossil Bovidae (Mammalia) of Olduvai Gorge, Tanzania. Part I. Bulletin of the British Museum (Natural History): Geology 29:289-446. Authors mention "teeth" found here. 137 - A. Gentry Unknown Mammalia Artiodactyla Ruminantia Bovoidea Bovidae Bovinae Bovini Syncerus sp. No
OVPP-Syncerus 7 774 23 - TK I?, P?, M? 104 - Unknown II Gentry, A. W., and Gentry, A. 1978. Fossil Bovidae (Mammalia) of Olduvai Gorge, Tanzania. Part I. Bulletin of the British Museum (Natural History): Geology 29:289-446. Authors mention "teeth" found here. 137 - A. Gentry Unknown Mammalia Artiodactyla Ruminantia Bovoidea Bovidae Bovinae Bovini Syncerus sp. No
068/6506 780 6 - FLK NN R/L-HOR-f, PAL 1961 104 - Unknown found in gravel postdating the Ndutu bed. Based on adhering matrix, it is probably from bed I or II. Gentry, A. W., and Gentry, A. 1978. Fossil Bovidae (Mammalia) of Olduvai Gorge, Tanzania. Part I. Bulletin of the British Museum (Natural History): Geology 29:289-446. This specimen (Horn cores) is from the same individual as the palate with specimen number 068/6502. 137 - A. Gentry Unknown Mammalia Artiodactyla Ruminantia Bovoidea Bovidae Reduncinae Reduncini Kobus sigmoidalis No
S. 202 783 96 - 63 SKULL, P, M, I 1970 104 - Unknown I Gentry, A. W., and Gentry, A. 1978. Fossil Bovidae (Mammalia) of Olduvai Gorge, Tanzania. Part I. Bulletin of the British Museum (Natural History): Geology 29:289-446. This nearly complete skull with dentition is pictured in plate 6. 137 - A. Gentry Unknown Mammalia Artiodactyla Ruminantia Bovoidea Bovidae Reduncinae Reduncini Kobus sigmoidalis This specimen may belong to the species K. ellipsiprymnus. No
JK2 III A.3271 826 46 - JK 2 d-L-P 104 - Unknown III Gentry, A. W., and Gentry, A. 1978. Fossil Bovidae (Mammalia) of Olduvai Gorge, Tanzania. Part I. Bulletin of the British Museum (Natural History): Geology 29:289-446. 137 - A. Gentry Unknown Mammalia Artiodactyla Ruminantia Bovoidea Bovidae Reduncinae Reduncini Kobus kob Although this lower molar is larger than most of the K. kob lineage, the authors believe it belongs to K. kob. No
BK II 1952.167 845 10 - BK d-P 1952 104 - Unknown II Gentry, A. W., and Gentry, A. 1978. Fossil Bovidae (Mammalia) of Olduvai Gorge, Tanzania. Part I. Bulletin of the British Museum (Natural History): Geology 29:289-446. The authors doubt the horizon of this specimen as the premolar is "so markedly advanced". 137 - A. Gentry Unknown Mammalia Artiodactyla Ruminantia Bovoidea Bovidae Hippotraginae Hippotragini Hippotragus gigas No
BK II 1953.067/5230 848 10 - BK d-P 1953 104 - Unknown II Gentry, A. W., and Gentry, A. 1978. Fossil Bovidae (Mammalia) of Olduvai Gorge, Tanzania. Part I. Bulletin of the British Museum (Natural History): Geology 29:289-446. The authors state that this specimen is "so markedly advanced" that its horizon must be questioned. 137 - A. Gentry Unknown Mammalia Artiodactyla Ruminantia Bovoidea Bovidae Hippotraginae Hippotragini Hippotragus gigas No
SHK II 1957.618 854 19 - SHK MAN, d-P 1957 104 - Unknown II Gentry, A. W., and Gentry, A. 1978. Fossil Bovidae (Mammalia) of Olduvai Gorge, Tanzania. Part I. Bulletin of the British Museum (Natural History): Geology 29:289-446. This specimen is from a juvenile. 137 - A. Gentry Unknown Mammalia Artiodactyla Ruminantia Bovoidea Bovidae Hippotraginae Hippotragini Hippotragus gigas No
DK I 37+43 855 24 - DK MAX, d-P 104 - Unknown I Gentry, A. W., and Gentry, A. 1978. Fossil Bovidae (Mammalia) of Olduvai Gorge, Tanzania. Part I. Bulletin of the British Museum (Natural History): Geology 29:289-446. This specimen is from a juvenile. 137 - A. Gentry Unknown Mammalia Artiodactyla Ruminantia Bovoidea Bovidae Hippotraginae Hippotragini Hippotragus gigas No
FLK N I 1961.7154 893 7 - FLK North CRA, R/L-HOR, R/L-M, R-P 104 - Unknown II middle Gentry, A. W., and Gentry, A. 1978. Fossil Bovidae (Mammalia) of Olduvai Gorge, Tanzania. Part I. Bulletin of the British Museum (Natural History): Geology 29:289-446. This specimen is pictured in plate 15. 137 - A. Gentry Unknown Mammalia Artiodactyla Ruminantia Bovoidea Bovidae Alcelaphinae Alcelaphini Connochaetes sp. No
FLK N I 067/240 899 7 - FLK North MAX, M, P 104 - Unknown I Gentry, A. W., and Gentry, A. 1978. Fossil Bovidae (Mammalia) of Olduvai Gorge, Tanzania. Part I. Bulletin of the British Museum (Natural History): Geology 29:289-446. This specimen is from an immature individual. 137 - A. Gentry Unknown Mammalia Artiodactyla Ruminantia Bovoidea Bovidae Alcelaphinae Alcelaphini No
VFK III-IV 150 1076 44 - VFK SKULL, HOR, M, P 104 - Unknown III, IV Gentry, A. W., and Gentry, A. 1978. Fossil Bovidae (Mammalia) of Olduvai Gorge, Tanzania. Part I. Bulletin of the British Museum (Natural History): Geology 29:289-446. This specimen is one of several of a herd found in undivided beds III-IV. 137 - A. Gentry Unknown Mammalia Artiodactyla Ruminantia Bovoidea Bovidae Alcelaphinae Alcelaphini Damaliscus agelaius No